Monday, July 27, 2020



Estoy tan cansado de escuchar ovejas ignorantes que me dicen esto. Como si fueran un guerrero africano o nativo americano puro. Luego los miro y tengo que reír. Si vas a la guerra y odias a otras razas, tendrás que comenzar contigo mismo.

No, no creo que sea blanco. No creo que sea negro. Soy ambos. De hecho, soy tri-racial, como lo son muchos puertorriqueños. La familia de mi padre era negra de Cataño. Mi abuela materna nació en Manatí de ascendencia italiana. Mi abuelo materno era tan taino (nativo americano) como puedes conseguir. Descubrí que en realidad podría decir que soy asiático-estadounidense después de tomar una prueba de ADN.

Hoy, la mayoría de nosotros somos de sangre mixta. Aunque muchos odian admitirlo, hay muy pocas personas de pura sangre en las Américas. Irónicamente, los negros claritos, “Café con leche”, que claman contra los racistas blancos claramente tienen mucha sangre blanca. Lo mismo ocurre con los blancos, la mayoría de ellos tienen algunos parientes negros o asiáticos (nativos) en la línea de sangre.

Entonces, ¿qué se supone que debemos hacer? ¿Odias nuestro lado blanco? ¿Oprimir y negar nuestro lado negro y asiático? Tenemos que crecer Las personas que derriban estatuas y crean todo este dolor están explotando nuestras emociones.

Derribar la estatua de Cristóbal Colón, destrozar propiedades y pintar a BLM (VIDAS NEGRAS IMPORTAN) en la calle no pone comida en nuestras mesas, no paga nuestra renta ni protege a nuestros hijos. Los disturbios y el vandalismo solo promueven la causa de personas con una agenda diferente. Una agenda puramente política.
Hay fuerzas por ahí que usarán el caos y sus vidas, si es necesario, para hacerse cargo del terreno en el que se encuentran.

Necesitamos cosas tangibles, no tonterías simbólicas. El progreso que hicieron Frederick Douglas, Martin Luther King, Jesse Jackson y John Lewis fue sentarse a la mesa y negociar, no a través de amenazas violentas. ¡Porque eso es lo que funciona!

He estado en política durante muchos años y mi dicho político favorito es: "si no sabes lo que quieres, no te lo diré". Esto significa que si no puede expresar exactamente lo que quiere, lo que necesita, solo lo obtendrá por accidente.
De lo contrario, obtendrás estatuas caídas y VIDAS NEGRAS IMPORTAN pintadas en las calles. Necesitamos líderes que enviar a la mesa, no Guerreros para declarar una guerra que terminará mal para todos.

Sunday, July 26, 2020


CENK KADIR UYGUR nació y creció en una familia musulmana en Estambul, Turquía, y emigró con su familia cuando tenía ocho años. Pasó su adolescencia en East Brunswick, Nueva Jersey, y se graduó de East Brunswick High School. Uygur se crió en un hogar musulmán secular, pero se volvió más religioso durante la universidad antes de volverse agnóstico. Se graduó de la Wharton School de la Universidad de Pennsylvania en 1992, donde se especializó en administración y formó parte del Consejo de Actividades Estudiantiles en representación de la Asociación de Estudiantes Turcos. Uygur cofundó Justice Democrats. El grupo busca dirigir al Partido Demócrata en la dirección fuertemente progresista y "socialista democrática". 

SAIKAT CHAKRABARTI recién renunció como jefe de gabinete de Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Representante de los Estados Unidos del distrito 14 del Congreso de Nueva York. Chakrabarti nació y creció en una familia bengalí en Fort Worth, Texas. Asistió a la Universidad de Harvard y se graduó en 2007 con una licenciatura en ciencias de la computación. El 1 de junio de 2009, Saikat Chakrabarti y Sheena Pakan se encontraron con el ruiseñor. Mockingbird ofrece una herramienta de maqueta de estructura alámbrica que permite a las personas colaborar e interactuar en tiempo real. Mockingbird tiene ingresos estimados de $ 10 millones de dólares anualmente. (Irónicamente, los ruiseñores son mejor conocidos por el hábito de algunas especies que imitan los cantos de otras aves y el sonido de los insectos y anfibios). ¿Por qué un millonario querría ser el jefe de gabinete de un congresista de primer año? 

WALEED SHASID tiene 27 años, de Arlington, Virginia. El padre de Shahid se mudó a los Estados Unidos desde Pakistán hace cuatro décadas. "Literalmente ha estado trabajando en el mismo estacionamiento desde 1973." Crecieron cuatro libros en su casa: el Corán, una colección de poesía punjabi y dos biografías: una del ex primer ministro paquistaní Benazir Bhutto y la otra de Hillary Clinton. Curiosamente, a pesar de haber escrito tantos artículos de opinión en prestigiosos periódicos y revistas, no se puede encontrar una biografía o una página de Wikipedia en Waleed Shasid. Ese es un logro notable en sí mismo. Busque y encontrará sus artículos pero no datos biográficos personales.



CENK KADIR UYGUR was born and raised in a Muslim family in Istanbul, Turkey, and emigrated with his family when he was eight years old. He spent his adolescence in East Brunswick, New Jersey, and graduated from East Brunswick High School. Uygur was raised in a secular Muslim household, but became more religious during college before becoming agnostic. He graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1992, where he majored in management and was on the Student Activities Council representing the Turkish Students Association. Uygur co-founded the Justice Democrats. The group seeks to steer the Democratic Party in the strongly progressive, “democratic socialist” direction.

SAIKAT CHAKRABARTI recently resigned as chief of staff to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the U.S. Representative from New York's 14th congressional district. Chakrabarti was born and raised in a Bengali family in Fort Worth, Texas He attended Harvard University, graduating in 2007 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in computer science. On Jun 1, 2009 Saikat Chakrabarti and Sheena Pakanati founded Mockingbird. Mockingbird offers a wireframe mockup tool that enables individuals to collaborate and interact in real time. Mockingbird has $10 Million dollars in estimated revenue annually. (Ironically, Mockingbirds are best known for the habit of some species mimicking the songs of other birds and the sounds of insects and amphibians). Why would a millionaire want to be a freshman congressperson’s chief of staff?  

WALEED SHASID is 27 years old, from Arlington, Virginia. Shahid’s father moved to the US from Pakistan four decades ago. “He’s literally been working in the same parking garage since 1973.” There were four books in his home growing up: the Qur’an, a collection of Punjabi poetry and two biographies: one of ex-Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, the other of Hillary Clinton. Strangely, despite his having written so many opinion pieces in many prestigious papers and magazines you cannot find a biography or a Wikipedia page on Waleed Shasid. That is a remarkable accomplishment in itself. Search and you will find his articles but no personal biographical data.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


THIS IS CIRCULATING ON SOCIAL MEDIA I can't imagine it being true and not a peep on the mass media. But if anything happens... Also it doesn't hurt to being prepared.
"Is this True, or is it Fake News? It’s sounds possible, the facts and questions seem true. Pass this around like wildfire. Every one be on your guard. But what I have seen over the last three weeks. These were not protesters, for a black persons death. This was a rehearsal.
What you guys think about this?
(717) 334-1168
If you fail to copy or share this you are not a patriot you are part of the problem
I received this in a email - FYI
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 11:59 AM
PLEASE be aware this July 4.......
30,000 members per state...many trained by radical Islam they plan on killing as many Trump supporters and whites as possible!!
ANTIFA To Desecrate Gettysburg National Cemetery on July 4 - Then MURDER & BURN White Suburbs under cover of "Fireworks"
ANTIFA is planning to desecrate the Gettysburg National Cemetery by burning flags there on July 4; just before they begin MURDERING White people and BURNING DOWN Suburbs the same day. It will start at the desecration of Union Soldier graves at Gettysburg, Pa.
According to the Controlled Unclassified Law Enforcement Bulletin issued as "Law Enforcement Sensitive - For Official Use Only" to Police and Fire Departments about ANTIFA already using fireworks to acclimate suburbia with sounds of explosions, so they can use those to cover for gun fire when they attack white, suburban, neighborhoods the same day.
According to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in a Bulletin issued to Police and Fire Departments, ANTIFA has been taking deliveries of very large shipments of professional-grade fireworks. They have been sending teams out to various areas throughout America to detonate those fireworks for the past two weeks, to achieve Three (3) specific objectives:
1) The first objective is to test the response of local law enforcement. If fireworks are going off around the clock and residents are filing complaints, will police respond? How long does it take them to respond? How many officers? Do they even respond at all? This data is being recorded by these groups, and will prove to be very valuable intel for what is to come. This is a very accurate barometer to test the waters.
2) The second objective is to get local residents (ie: white people in nearby neighborhoods) acclimated to the frequent sounds of explosions that often sound like gunfire.
3) The final objective: Knowing response times and manpower of police, and having acclimated the local population into explosion sounds that mimic gunfire, to then commit arson attacks with professional fireworks to set so many fires, local Emergency Services are immediately overwhelmed, and enter houses to actually fire guns and kill as many as possible in white suburbs.
Unless you have been living on different planet, you should be fully aware that America is currently under attack. While mass-media has portrayed this situation as "peaceful protests" those engaged have been rioting, smashing private property and businesses, looting on a scale which is un-paralleled, and beating, stabbing, shooting innocent people in the areas where these activities are taking place.
You have probably also read or overheard many reports of illegal fireworks and explosions that are currently taking place throughout many different US cities. If you do a Google search for "fireworks complaints" you will find countless articles posted just in the last week or so.
Most of these news reports are local, since local news is far more likely to have boots on the ground and residents reporting an accurate assessment as to what is actually going on. However, national media outlets are largely attempting to paint this "uptick" in fireworks activity as a sign of people being overly "celebratory" in preparation for the 4th of July.
Here are the facts, so please pay close attention.
As a result of major 4th of July events being shut down and cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, an overwhelming surplus of fireworks have flooded the market. Several activist groups including ANTIFA, BLM and Weather-Undergound are exploiting this surplus and are bulk purchasing from suppliers in extremely high volumes.
In many cases, these are highly dangerous, professional-grade fireworks.
The number of people within these groups must not be underestimated. They operate like terrorists and use clandestine communication strategies. There are many members of these in groups in most major cities, and have been for several years. Yes, these are essentially domestic terror cells, and as you've likely guessed, this is indeed the year in which they have been instructed to carry out their master's dystopian agenda.
What they are doing is delivering fireworks in bulk, via moving trucks and vans.
You may have remembered the pallets of bricks that were being dropped off at various locations so Rioters could use those bricks to destroy property? This is a similar strategy.
Once these fireworks are delivered, they are then distributing them to any black people who wish to set them off for their own entertainment, previously under the guise of the non-existent "Juneteenth" holiday, and to make sure these fireworks were set off almost continually all day and night in various cities.
This may not be a shock, as you're likely aware that white, Marxist radicals are the ones who have been frequently arrested for burning buildings cars during these riots. Again, these are activists/terrorists who have covertly infiltrated these predominantly black areas. So, this answers the question of "who" is responsible for the huge number of fireworks complaints that have been circulating for a week or more.
You may remember a blip on Drudge and various other outlets not long ago about the riots reaching white neighborhoods, and this is indeed the objective.
The foundations of this great nation are in the process of being literally erased. This should be clear by now. Pray for America."

Friday, June 26, 2020




June 22, 2020
Guaracha hit 10,000 all-time Shazams.
June 21, 2020
No Me Digan Que Es Muy Tarde hit a new high of 1,000 daily plays in United States.
June 20, 2020
Madame Kalalú hit a new high of 100 daily plays.
June 16, 2020
Timbalero hit 300,000 all-time plays.
June 16, 2020
Fuego al Barrio hit 500 all-time Shazams.
June 14, 2020
You passed 6,000,000 all-time plays in Mexico.

June 10, 2020
Brujerias hit 5,000 all-time plays.
June 8, 2020
Aguanile (Jose Marquez Remix) [feat. Hector Lavoe] (Radio Edit) hit a new high of 10 daily Shazams in Korea, Republic of.
June 6, 2020
Talento de Televisión hit 300,000 all-time Shazams.

June 2, 2020
You passed 100,000 all-time Shazams in Panama.

May 24, 2020
Que Lio hit a new high of 1,000 daily plays.
May 24, 2020
Plazos Traicioneros hit a new high of 100 daily plays.
May 23, 2020
Tiburón hit a new high of 500 daily plays.

May 18, 2020
Divino Maestro (Live) hit 1,000 all-time plays.
May 17, 2020
You passed 1,000,000 all-time Shazams in United States.

May 10, 2020
Falta de Consideracion hit a new high of 100 daily Shazams.

May 9, 2020
Pedro Navaja hit 2,000,000 all-time plays in United States.
May 9, 2020
Dime hit 10,000 all-time Shazams.

April 22, 2020
Oh Que Sera hit 100,000 all-time plays.
April 21, 2020
La Murga hit a new high of 10 daily plays.

April 19, 2020
Chinacubana hit a new high of 10 daily shazams in Peru.

April 14, 2020
Oh Que Sera hit 50,000 all-time shazams.

April 12, 2020
Ah-Ah/O-No hit 50,000 all-time shazams.

April 11, 2020
You passed 3,000,000 all-time shazams.

April 7, 2020
Te Están Buscando hit 100,000 all-time plays in United States.
April 5, 2020
Plazos Traicioneros hit 1,000 all-time shazams.

April 1, 2020
Talento de Televisión hit 2,000,000 all-time plays.
March 29, 2020
Falta de Consideracion hit a new high of 10 daily plays in Japan.

March 24, 2020
Dime hit 100,000 all-time plays in United States.
March 24, 2020
Manantial de Corazón hit 10,000 all-time plays.

March 18, 2020
Ligia Elena hit 300,000 all-time plays.
March 15, 2020
Perriando (La Murga Remix) hit 100,000 all-time plays.

March 11, 2020
You passed 4,000,000 all-time plays in Colombia.
March 7, 2020
Ya Llego (Captain Planet Remix) hit 10,000 all-time plays.

March 4, 2020
El Gran Varón hit 3,000,000 all-time plays.
February 29, 2020
Perriando (La Murga Remix) reached 100 all-time song purchases.
February 29, 2020
You passed 100 all-time album purchases in Switzerland.

February 27, 2020
Perriando (La Murga Remix) had 37,751 plays during its first week — better than any previous release.
February 24, 2020
Oh Que Sera hit 1,000,000 all-time plays.
February 21, 2020
Perriando (La Murga Remix) hit a new high of 5,000 daily plays.