Sunday, September 30, 2018

Cosas que quizás no sabías de Puerto Rico...

.....del libro Que te parece, boricua!

1. El dios taíno Yuquiyu es el mismo 'Loukuo' de la mitología escandinava.

2. Por kilómetro cuadrado, Hatillo es el mayor productor de leche en el mundo.

3.  El sumidero entre Lares y Camuy es tan profundo que
El Morro podría  esconderse allí dentro.

4.   Puerto Rico es el mayor padrino per cápita de la organización World Vision.

5.  El vivero de camarones de agua dulce más grande de los EU está en Sabana Grande, PR.

 6.  Por tener más de 1,300 ríos, quebradas y ojos de agua, a esta Isla se le llama 'País de los Ríos'.

7.  La madera del guayacán puertorriqueño es tan dura que se usa para hacer hélices de aviones.

8.  Son tantas las variedades y cantidad de plátanos y guineos (bananas) que crecen  silvestres en los riscos de Naranjito, que se le ha llamado a ese pueblo 'La Alacena de la Isla'.

9.  Puerto Rico NO mide 100 x 35 millas; es justamente 111 x 39.5 millas.

 10. La carretera vieja de Bayaney a Arecibo tiene solamente 6.4 kilómetros de distancia y 132 curvas!

11. Uno de los lugares en donde más llueve en el mundo es en El Yunque, 200 pulgadas de lluvia anuales en promedio.

 12. Puerto Rico es el país con más carreteras por kilómetro cuadrado en el  mundo.

13. La Calle del Cristo en el viejo San Juan fué la primera calle pavimentada en el Nuevo Mundo.

14. Las vigas de los techos en las casas del Viejo San Juan son de ausubo; es inmune a las polillas y al tiempo. Duran entre 5 y 7 siglos aproximadamente.

15. Los rasgos más comunes de los puertorriqueños: la compasión, la tolerancia y el no enfrentamiento.  De ahí viene el "Ay, bendito!", vivir 'a la buena de Dios' o con la conocida 'peleíta monga'.

16.  Puerto Rico es el mayor productor de ron en el mundo: el 86% del que se vende en EEUU.

17.  En tiempos taínos en PR hubo hasta 15 cacicas (mujeres), destacándose la Cacica Yuisa de Loíza.

18. La compensación por desempleo del Departamento del Trabajo de Puerto Rico es una de las más altas del mundo:  26 semanas + 30 adicionales
19. El horticultor naranjiteño Clemente Morales es el único que ha logrado cultivar plantas de distintos climas en una sola finca: melocotones de Australia, nueces capoteblanco y pera criolla.

20.  Puerto Rico es uno de los países con mayor expectativa de vida: un 29% de los hombres y 33% de las mujeres viven más de 80 años.

21. Puerto Rico es el país con más empleados de gobierno entre los llamados 'países del mundo libre': 53%, versus 3% en Japón, por ejemplo.

22. La técnica mundial de montar postes de electricidad en los montes con la ayuda de helicópteros fué un invento de ingenieros puertorriqueños.

23. Hay más mujeres ingenieros en Puerto Rico que en EU.

24. El ñame se paga en los mercados de París a precio de oro.

25. Talento animal: Los sonidos de los murciélagos que se usaron en la cinta 'Batman Forever' se grabaron en las Cuevas de Camuy, P.R.

26. A Aguada se le conoce como 'El Vaticano de Puerto Rico' porque fué el único municipio en donde ganó el Partido Acción Cristiana, (promovido por los obispos de la Iglesia Católica) dándole una pela a los populares y estadistas.

27. Según la Enciclopedia Británica, 'Puerto Rico es una de las tierras de América con más rica historia y en donde mejor se conserva la tradición hispánica'.

28.  El himno oficial de la Ciudad de Puebla en Mexico no lo escribió un mexicano. Fué nuestro Rafael Hernández, por eso un busto suyo se exhibe allá.

29. 'El mejor folklorista del mundo', (según el Smithsonian Institute, valga la aclaración) es don  Rafael Cepeda, padre de la bomba y plena puertorriqueña.

30.  El teatro universitario de la Universidad Latinoamericana de Costa Rica se llama Raúl Crespo, en honor a un profesor de Aguadilla que laboró allá.

31. La bicicletada familiar más grande del mundo, según Guiness, la organizó en Puerto Rico el recordado Joaquín Montserrat, 'Pacheco' con 30,000 personas.

32. El altar barroco del siglo XVII que se exhibe en la Iglesia San José del Viejo San Juan lo regaló el Rey Juan Carlos de España al saber como se celebró la  Regata del V Centenario.

33.  La estatua de Juan Ponce de León que está en la placita de San Sebastián es de cobre y se logró al fundir todas las armas que se le incautaron a los ingleses que trataron de invadirnos en el 1797.  El óxido de cobre es lo que le dá el color verdoso.

34.  Donde mejor  se manejó la peste bubónica en el mundo fué en Puerto Rico.  Las autoridades sanitarias la controlaron en solo 92 días: un record mundial en 1912.

35. Puerto Rico está entre los tres países que más carga marítima recibe para uso interno y como pasaje.  

 36. El record de la empresa Toyota en América Latina lo logró por primera  vez en Puerto Rico al vender 400,000 Toyotitas.

37.  Para la DEA, capturar un kilo de heroína es todo un logro.  Imagínate lo que pasó cuando capturaron aquí 35 kilos de heroína en noviembre de 1992 de manos de una pandilla de franceses y belgas!

 38. Puerto Rico es el país #1 en avistamientos de OVNIS reportados.   Nunca se supo qué  pasó con el artefacto que cayó en Cabo Rojo en los años 80 y que fué rescatado por pescadores de la zona.  Los Federales se lo llevaron y nada más se supo del asunto.

39. El puertorriqueño Carlos Mercado es un poeta excepcional nacido en Villalba; pero en la ONU es conocido por su trabajo, pues traduce en diez idiomas, incluyendo el difícil chino-mandarín.

40.  Nunca se usa la palabra 'jíbaros' en la publicidad de Turismo para no confundir a los Sur Americanos con la famosa tribu del Amazonas que corta la cabeza a cada enemigo para achicarlas del tamaño de  una bola de beisbol. Estos se llaman 'los jibaros' también.  (Y tan dulce y tranquilos los nuestros!)

41. 'Las culturas no se comparan; las culturas son',  (palabras sabias), de don Arturo Morales-Carrión.

42. El Puente Dos Hermanos se llama así por los 'Brothers Behn', los fundadores de la ya difunta Puerto Rico Telephone Company.

43.  La mayor fábrica de marcapasos en el mundo está en Puerto Rico.

44.      En Vega Baja está una de las fábricas de  alfombras modernas más caras y exclusivas en el mundo: Las Alfombras V'soske... Jackie Kennedy las puso en la Casablanca.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


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Cosby sentenced to 3 to 10 years
Getty Images

Gloria Allred on Cosby verdict: "Judgment day has come"

Gloria Allred, an attorney who represented some of Cosby's accusers, applauded the "just outcome" in a statement after the sentencing.
"This has been a long journey to justice for all of the accusers, particularly for Andrea Constand and for her family. And we respect the fact that they have undergone and endured this journey to justice," Allred said, speaking to reporters.
"This is a very important day. Judgment day has come."
"Mr. Cosby has shown no remorse, and there has been no justice for many of the accusers who were barred from a court by the arbitrary time limits imposed by the statute of limitations," she added, praising the accusers who were "brave enough to speak to law enforcement."
Watch more:
17 min ago

Bill Cosby leaves court in handcuffs

From CNN’s Aaron Cooper
Bill Cosby was just escorted out of the courtroom after being sentenced. He was seen leaving in handcuffs after Judge Steven O'Neill denied him bail.
"This is a serious crime he was convicted for. This is a sexual assault crime," the judge said. The courtroom has been cleared. 
Watch the moment:
24 min ago

Andrea Constand leaves the courthouse

Andrea Constand, the woman Bill Cosby was convicted of sexually assaulting, smiled as she left the courtroom today.
She stopped to hug another woman on her way out.
Watch more:
33 min ago

Bill Cosby's judge: "No one is above the law"

From CNN's Aaron Cooper
In handing down his ruling to Bill Cosby today, Judge O’Neill said no one is above the law. He also referenced how brave Andrea Constand, who Cosby was convicted to sexually assaulting, was through this whole process.
"No one is above the law, and no one should be treated differently or disproportionally," Judge Steven O'Neill said.
 Cosby would be sentenced regardless of "who he is or who he was," O'Neill said.
"I have given great weight to the victim impact testimony in this case, and it was powerful," he added.
48 min ago

Cosby accuser: I'm happy the judge sentenced him accordingly

Kathy McKee, a former actress who has accused Cosby of raping her, told CNN that listening to the news about Bill Cosby's sentencing stirs up some "very difficult and deep emotions."
Still, she said she is happy Judge Steven O'Neill sentenced Cosby accordingly and is grateful to Andrea Constand "for standing strong."
Watch more:
1 hr 1 min ago

Judge to Cosby: "The day has come, the time has come"

From CNN’s Aaron Cooper
Judge Steven O'Neill handed down Bill Cosby's sentence in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania court Tuesday afternoon at 2:10 pm.  
"This was a serious crime," he said. "Mr. Cosby this has all circled back to you. The day has come, the time has come." 
Cosby, who is now 81, was convicted of assaulting Constand in his Pennsylvania home 14 years ago.  
The defense earlier indicated it will appeal the conviction.  
1 hr 1 min ago

JUST IN: Bill Cosby sentenced to 3 to 10 years in state prison

From CNN's Aaron Cooper and Eric Levenson
Bill Cosby was sentenced to three to 10 years in state prison on Tuesday for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand.
Cosby, 81, faced a maximum of 10 years in prison after prosecutors and defense attorneys agreed to merge the three counts of his conviction into one for sentencing purposes.
The DA tweeted:
Prosecutors asked for a sentence of five to 10 years in prison. However, Cosby's defense attorney asked for a sentence of house arrest, citing Cosby's advanced age and blindness.
Once a groundbreaking actor known as "America's Dad," Cosby was accused by dozens of women of drugging and sexually assaulting them over his decades as a powerful media figure.
Cosby was convicted in April of three counts of aggravated indecent assault for drugging and assaulting Constand at his home in 2004, in the first high-profile celebrity criminal trial of the #MeToo era.
2 hr ago

Cosby will be sentenced soon. Here are the guidelines.

From CNN's Eric Levenson
Bill Cosby faces a maximum of 10 years after prosecutors and defense attorneys agreed to merge the three counts of his conviction into one for sentencing purposes. (Judge O'Neill announced that the charges had been merged into one because they all stem from the same event.)
The state sentencing guidelines indicate 22 to 36 months in prison, plus or minus 12 months because of aggravating or mitigating circumstances.
An important note: The judge does not have to stick to the guidelines — he can issue a smaller or larger sentence, depending on various factors, with the maximum set at 10 years.
Prosecutors have asked for a sentence of five to 10 years in prison. However, Cosby's defense attorney asked for a sentence of house arrest, citing Cosby's advanced age and blindness.
2 hr 34 min ago

Cosby will be sentenced at 1:30 p.m. ET when court resumes from break

From CNN’s Aaron Cooper
Bill Cosby will be sentenced at 1:30 when court resumes.
Cosby did not address the court in his sentencing hearing. His attorney Joseph Green told the court Cosby did not want to speak. 
Judge Steven O'Neill questioned to make sure he understood that decision. Cosby answered in a loud, clear "Yes"
Later he said he didn't need to talk to his lawyer any more about that issue. "I do not need any more discussion on that," Cosby said. 
Commonwealth attorney Stewart Ryan proceeded to ask a series of questions to Cosby to confirm he understood that he had been convicted of the crime, and some of the requirements like mandatory registration and reporting to the police. 
"If I went from a city to another city, do I have to - even if it's just overnight - I have to get in touch with the state police," Cosby asked Ryan. Ryan directed him to talk to his lawyers, but after a brief explanation Cosby said he understood. 
Later, Cosby asked for more clarification on another question, which Ryan provided. Cosby then said he understood. 
On one question about victim notification, Cosby asked Ryan if he had to notify Constand. Ryan corrected him and said it would happen through the program. "Good. Good. Yes," Cosby responded. 
If Cosby changes residences he will have to register.
2 hr 56 min ago

Sentencing memorandum asks Cosby to be jailed for "the maximum allowed by law"

From CNN’s Sarah Jorgensen and Aaron Cooper
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania submitted the attached Sentencing Memorandum to the court regarding Bill Cosby’s sentence. They are asking for 5-10 years imprisonment, $25,000 fine, and funds to pay for the costs of prosecution.
“A sober view of this case and this defendant, without any regard to emotion or sympathy, can mean only one just sentence, and that is the maximum allowed by law. The Commonwealth respectfully requests that this Court impose a sentence of 5 to 10 years’ imprisonment, a $25,000 fine, and costs of prosecution,” the document states.
Here are some other key lines:
  • “Defendant’s crime was more than just a physical sexual assault. He violated Ms. Constand’s trust, which, unbeknownst to her, he spent time and energy cultivating with the specific intent of having sexual contact with her. He also abused his power. Defendant used his age, his stature at Temple University, and, of course, his acting success and public persona to facilitate his drug-induced sexual assault. The totality of his crime was severe. His sentence should reflect that.”
  • “These assaults spanned decades and demonstrate an ingrained pattern of criminality. There is no indication the defendant’s behavior will stop merely because he has been convicted.”
  • “Moreover, the defendant has never accepted responsibility for his crime, nor has he shown any remorse. Quite the opposite, he tried to silence Ms. Constand with money because he was concerned about his own potential financial harm if news of the assault became public.”
3 hr 3 min ago

Judge determines Cosby is classified as a "sexually violent predator"

From CNN's Aaron Cooper
 Judge Steven O'Neill has ruled Bill Cosby will be classified as a "sexually violent predator."
The “Sexually violent predator” status -- sometimes written as SVP -- requires lifetime registration, lifetime mandatory sex offender counseling with a treatment provider and notification of the community that a “sexually violent predator” lives in the area. 
It does not impact the length of the actual sentence. The sentencing hearing continues in Montgomery County Pennsylvania.
3 hr 18 min ago

5 powerful lines from Andrea Constand's victim impact statement

From CNN’s Sarah Jorgensen
Andrea Constand submitted the attached victim impact statement to the court for Bill Cosby’s sentencing, which was not read aloud in court.  
She took the stand Monday afternoon during the first day of Cosby’s sentencing proceedings, speaking briefly: "I have testified, I have given you my victim impact statement. You heard me, the jury heard me and Mr. Cosby heard me. All I'm asking for is justice as the court sees fit."
Here are a few powerful lines:
  • On why she didn't report at the time: "The shame was overwhelming. Self-doubt and confusion kept me from turning to my family or friends as I normally did. I felt completely alone, unable to trust anyone, including myself."
  • On interacting with Cosby after the assault: "I was in the basketball office at Temple and was required to interact with Mr. Cosby...The sound of his voice over the phone felt like a knife going through my guts. The sight of the man who drugged me and sexually assaulted me coming into the basketball office filled me with dread."
  • On a "slander campaign" in the media: "...I was called a gold-digger, a con artist, and a pathological liar. My hard-working middle class parents were accused of trying to get money from a rich and famous man."
  • On the deposition during the civil trial: "...I had to relive every moment of the sexual assault in horrifying detail in front of Mr. Cosby and his lawyers. I felt traumatized all over again and was often in tears. I had to watch Cosby make jokes and attempt to degrade and diminish me, while his lawyers belittled and sneered at me."
  • On the long list of Cosby's accusers: "We may never know the full extent of his double life as a sexual predator but his decades-long reign of terror as a serial rapist is over."
  • On the assault's lingering impact: "When the sexual assault happened, I was a young woman brimming with confidence and looking forward to a future bright with possibilities. Now, almost 15 years later, I'm a middle-aged woman who's been stuck in a holding pattern for most of her adult life, unable to heal fully or to move forward.
5 hr 27 min ago

4 things to expect in court today

From CNN's Eric Levenson
It's the second day of Bill Cosby's sentencing hearing. We're not exactly sure how the day will play out — there's no formal schedule set — but here are four things we expect to happen today:
  • The defense is expected to call a witness to testify about whether Cosby should be labeled a "sexually violent predator" (Prosecutors called their witness yesterday)
  • Judge Steven T. O'Neill will rule on whether Cosby should be labeled a sexually violent predator.
  • Cosby will have an opportunity to speak.
  • The judge will issue a sentence to Cosby. He faces up to 10 years in prison after prosecutors and defense attorneys agreed to merge the three counts of his conviction into one for sentencing purposes.
5 hr 56 min ago

The woman Cosby was convicted of assaulting is at the courthouse today

From CNN’s Aaron Cooper
Andrea Constand arrives at court.
Several of Bill Cosby’s accusers are at the courthouse — including some who testified against him. 
Andrea Constand, the woman Cosby was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting, is among them.
Several jurors from the trial are in the overflow room to watch the sentencing.
6 hr 40 min ago

Cosby has arrived at the courthouse

Bill Cosby arrives for a second day of a sentencing hearing at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown, Pennsylvania.
Bill Cosby just arrived to Pennsylvania court where he is expected to be sentenced Tuesday.
He had potentially faced up to 30 years in prison, but after prosecutors and defense attorneys agreed to merge the three counts of his conviction into one, he now faces up to 10 years.
6 hr 56 min ago

Cosby had faced 30 years in prison. Now, it's down to 10.

From CNN's Eric Levenson and Aaron Cooper
Bill Cosby had potentially faced up to 30 years in prison, but he now faces a maximum of 10 years after prosecutors and defense attorneys agreed to merge the three counts of his conviction into one for sentencing purposes.
Here's where things stand now, as we enter day two of the sentencing:
  • What prosecutors want: Prosecutors asked a judge on Monday to sentence Cosby to five to 10 years in prison for sexually assaulting Andrea Constand, saying he had shown "no remorse" for his actions.
  • What the defense wants: Cosby's attorney, Joseph P. Green, asked for a sentence of house arrest, citing Cosby's advanced age and blindness.
  • What to watch today: The sentence is expected to come on Tuesday after Judge Steven T. O'Neill decides whether Cosby should be classified a "sexually violent predator." The determination would require him to register with state police and submit to sex-offender counseling and notification for life.
22 hr 37 min ago

Our live coverage has ended, but we'll be back tomorrow for day two of Bill Cosby's sentencing hearing. You can scroll through the posts below to see how the day unfolded, or you can read more here
22 hr 39 min ago

What Cosby's victim, and her family, told the court

From CNN's Aaron Cooper
Andrea Constand arrives at the sentencing hearing for the sexual assault trial of Bill Cosby
In court today, Andrea Constand and her family read their victim impact statements. (Cosby was found guilty in April of three counts of aggravated indecent assault for drugging and sexually assaulting Constand in 2004.)
Constand spoke for just a few seconds in a clear unemotional voice. 
"I have testified, I have given you my victim impact statement. You heard me, the jury heard me and Mr. Cosby heard me. All I'm asking for is justice as the court sees fit," she said.
Gianna Constand, Constand's mother, said she has "lost the ability to trust anybody" and watched friends and loved ones disappear from her life.
"Our lives became one of a roller coaster ride that never came to an end," she said
Andy Constand, her father, also spoke about how the attack affected the whole family.
"The thought of what happened to my daughter Andrea will always be with me forever like a dark cloud hanging over my head," he said.
And Constand's oldest sister, Diana Parsons, called her little sister her hero.
"After everything she has been through, she still walks around with a smile on her face and a positive attitude," she said.
22 hr 47 min ago

Judge in Cosby case merges counts for sentencing

From CNN's Aaron Cooper
Judge Steven O’Neill announced all three counts have merged for sentencing in the Bill Cosby case because they all stem for the same event.
The sentencing guidelines indicate 22 – 36 months, plus or minus 12 months because of the aggravating or mitigating circumstances.
The court has received written victim impact statements from Andrew Constand, her father Andrew Constandt, her mother Gianna Constand and her sister Dianna Parsons. Those written victim impact statements are not public though each took the stand and addressed the court Monday.
The defense did not call any witnesses, but Cosby could take the stand tomorrow.