Sunday, July 30, 2017

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Curtis gets arrested trying to serve de Blasio

This morning NY State ReformParty Chairman Curtis Sliwa was at Gracie Mansion on the Upper East Side to deliver legal service of process to Mayor Bill de Blasio. Curtis arrived almost an hour before de Blasio’s departure to Park Slope for his exercise routine at the Park Slope Y announcing his intentions for delivery of process to the Mayor and was immediately greeted with the run-around. He was told an assistant of the Mayor would come outside so he could deliver the papers to her. It was explained to him that delivery on the Mayor himself was required and even still the assistant never came to collect the papers. So when de Blasio tried to roll out of the gates Chairman Sliwa stood his ground and repeated his stated purpose; to deliver legal paperwork. When it became clear he was going to stand his ground to make sure process was served as required by law, de Blasio’s security detail stepped in and directed the 2 NYPD officers on site at Gracie Mansion to arrest Curtis. They restrained Curtis and pushed him back as the gates opened and the SUV’s started to move but they hadn’t completely confined Curtis who was still able to toss the legal paperwork to de Blasio while delivering the message that “he was being served.”

Curtis was promptly cuffed and led to the street where close to ten police vehicles were waiting. After being patted down and searched Curtis was placed in the police car and taken to the 19th precinct where he was held for close to 2 hours. He was released with a desk appearance ticket and cited for “disorderly conduct.” The inequity of the response was immediately apparent to the several media sources which started to run the story and multiple media outlets followed up to find out the details of legal paperwork; why was Mayor de Blasio being served? This created a great opportunity to expound on how the Mayor was attempting to squash any competition in the upcoming election and just made the Mayor look ridiculous. Why did he not simply accept the legal paperwork and hand it over to his attorneys? De Blasio’s reaction was so over the top. It just goes to show how vulnerable he and the other incumbents are and how threatened they are as the NYS Reform Party continues to push forward full speed ahead. Keep up the great work everyone!!!

Maduro Te Queda Poquito

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Bashar al-Assad Crimes Against Humanity




El chavismo es un atasco descomunal. Dieciocho años perdidos. Tres millones de venezolanos en un éxodo doloroso y el resto de los venezolanos rehenes de una voluntad de poder cuyo fundamento es la negligencia y el uso indiscriminado de la arbitrariedad para imponer sus fines.

Muchos piensan que el 31 de julio es la derrota de la sociedad civil y el proyecto democrático. No lo veo así. Nuestra venganza es sobrevivir ésta pesadilla y persistir con un proyecto de modernidad. Debemos sacar lecciones positivas de ésta prueba sociológica. Es evidente el fracaso del proyecto bolivariano para una población que desde el año 1998 apoyó con entusiasmo la posibilidad real de profundizar en la democracia y políticas sociales progresistas. La paradoja del momento actual es que el chavismo pretende abolir la democracia y contrariar principios civilizatorios claves como Justicia, Libertad y Virtud.

Ya ni siquiera cuentan con el determinante apoyo popular. Nuestras barriadas son territorios de hambre y necesidad donde la desesperanza está instalada y el odio se expresa en una guerra incivil de todos contra todos bajo la ausencia del Estado. Que la Canciller de la República haya dicho que: “Nos moriremos de hambre, pero aquí estaremos defendiendo a la patria”. Ya no sólo es una muestra de cinismo sino también del vaciamiento del concepto de Patria.

El chavismo hizo del dolo y despilfarro su principal política de Estado. Las sobras las utilizó para alimentar un populismo raquítico que apenas se sostiene por una agresiva propaganda. “Mientras unos tienen por hechos ciertos los rumores más precarios, otros convierten los hechos en falsedades”. Tácito.

La tradición civilista venezolana hoy se juega su futuro. La resistencia de los ciudadanos es auspiciosa en no permitir el triunfo del despotismo. La negociación es inevitable porque la paz no tiene sustituto. ¿Qué debemos negociar? Un gran acuerdo nacional para restituir la democracia a través de un gobierno de transición que restaure la Constitución, ya hoy de por sí, abolida.

Sí no negociamos con sinceridad, los extremistas se encargarán de convertir el país en cenizas. Las experiencias dolorosas de nuestro pasado así lo atestiguan, empezando por la misma Independencia iniciada en 1811. Sorprende, incluso, voces dentro del mismo chavismo, como la del general Hugo Carvajal haciendo un “Llamado a la Cordura”: “Por tanto, mi llamado es a la racionalidad de la dirigencia política del país y al repudio de la violencia; y, especialmente, a que recuerden que la prioridad es el Pueblo Venezolano, parar las muertes de inocentes y acabar con el conflicto”.

En un mismo tono se encuentra el general Miguel Rodríguez Torres, quien fuera Ministro del Poder Popular para Relaciones Interiores, Justicia y Paz en el año 2014, al exigir el retiro inmediato de la proyectada Constituyente pro cubana. A la oligarquía socialista en el poder, hoy, ya le es imposible gobernar.



Saturday, July 22, 2017

Quincy Jone tells a painful truth

Quincy Jones: Honey, we have no music industry
Michal Lev-Ram

Jul 01, 2015

Before Apple and Taylor Swift and even the Moog synthesizer were born, there was Quincy Jones. Over the last six decades, the legendary composer and former record company exec has amassed 79 Grammy nominations (winning 27 actual awards) and produced hit albums like Michael Jackson's Thriller. Today, he is involved with several projects. One of his latest? An online music-learning tool called Playground Sessions, which recently kicked off a fundraising campaign via Crowdfunder. But his role as co-creator of the self-proclaimed "Rosetta Stone" of music doesn't mean he believes the Internet has had a positive effect on the record industry—a topic he remains as opinionated as ever about. Fortune caught up with Jones to ask for his take on new digital music distribution models and why he got involved with Playground Sessions. Read below for an excerpt of the recent conversation.

FORTUNE: Is the music industry better or worse than it was 50 years ago?

Jones: Honey, we have no music industry. There’s 90% piracy everywhere in the world. They take everything. At the recent South by Southwest [an annual music festival in Austin], they had over 1,900 musicians, but fans didn't know where to go. You can't get an album out because nobody buys an album anymore.

What about some of the newer, online distribution models. Doesn't that give artists more ways to get music to fans?

That doesn't mean anything. They sell 4.5 million albums and they think it's a hit record. It's a joke. We used to do that [sell 4.5 million records] every weekend in the 80s. Today, you don't get paid.

Quincy Jones Photograph by Jason DeCrow — AP for HARMAN

Why did you help create Playground Sessions?

You want to see kids getting into music instead of shooting each other. I’m very frustrated with America. After being creators of jazz and blues, we’re the only country in the world without a minister of culture. Americans don't know the sources of their own music, from bebop to doo-wop to hip-hop.

We have only 12 notes. From Beethoven all the way to Bo Diddley, all of them had just 12 notes. That's all we have and Playground Sessions is the perfect platform for teaching what we want to do with them.

Do you remember learning music?

Of course. I started at age 13 in Seattle, and met Ray Charles when he was 17. He was an amazing musician. It was never about money or fame back then. We just thought about what gave us goosebumps.

You must get requests from various music startups and projects. How do you decide which ones to pick?

I just go with Malcolm Gladwell’s book—Blink. And I'm not one of those "back in the days" kind of guys. I think when it all pools together it [the music industry] will be twice as good. And Playground Sessions will help bring it all together, it's all there.

Muslim Thug Smiles As Widow Cries At Murder Trial, Judge’s 6 Words Slap Smirk Off His Face

Muslim Thug Smiles As Widow Cries At Murder Trial, Judge’s 6 Words Slap Smirk Off His Face

While a carjacker and his accomplices were on trial for the murder of a man who was protecting his wife, the grieving widow gave a heart-wrenching statement. However as soon as the infuriated judge spotted the criminal’s self-satisfying smirk, he shouted him down with 6 words that immediately caused his evil grin to fade.
The West is no longer ignorant of the violent fundamentals of Islam as its barbaric religious compulsions have already begun spreading across our borders. As condemnable as inhumanity committed in the name of Allah is to nearly all who encounter it, perhaps even more disturbing is the left’s willingness to excuse it at all costs. Unfortunately for the Muslim criminals in a particular New Jersey courtroom, there was no ideological supremacy that trumped justice.
Carjackers Basim Henry, 32, Kevin Roberts, 33, Hanif Thompson, 29, and Karif Ford, 31, fatally shot 30-year-old Dustin Friedland as he valiantly tried to defend his 27-year-old wife, Jamie, at the Short Hills mall in December 2013, the New York Daily News reports. Although Jamie made it out alive, she could only cradle her dying husband in her arms as he took his last breath.
Expectedly, Jamie’s final statement during Basim’s trial in Newark was just as heartbreaking as her ordeal. However, Basim, who had participated in the carjacking but was not believed to have killed Dustin, found her devastating grief amusing. Seeing Basim smirking just after Jamie’s emotional address, Judge Ravin’s outrage over the crimes took a very personal turn, prompting him to shout that he can smile all he wants but he’ll be doing it in prison “for the rest of your life!” Footage from within the courtroom shows Basim’s grin slowly subside as the reality of an eternity behind bars starts to set in.
Because his smile proved his remorselessness, Judge Ravin threw the book at him, sentencing him to serve a life sentence without parole eligibility until he has spent at least 68 years and 9 months behind bars. By this time, Basim will be 104 years old, according to
Despite appearing overconfident during the beginning of his hearing, Basim’s despicable arrogance soon morphed into panic. Basim decried Judge Ravin’s harsh sentencing, complaining that he was making and example of him and that he wasn’t “trippin’.” Still, Judge Ravin continued to chastise Basim along with mocking his inappropriate and disrespectful courtroom mannerisms.
“I don’t know what that means,” Ravin said. “But it doesn’t sound like remorse, that’s for sure.”
Although Ravin’s ruling is the maximum penalty, Dustin’s family explained that nothing can atone for his untimely death.
“There is no victory for us today,” Rose Friedland said. “Dustin will not be with us again and there will be two mothers without their sons.”
Jamie still recalls the moment she lost her husband, which included remarks that Basim supposedly found entertaining.
“I turned around and saw Dustin laying there in a pool of blood,” Jamie Friedland said. “I ran over to him, and I was screaming. I was screaming, ‘Stay with me.’ I saw him gasping for breath and his eyes looking at me.”
Basim is the first of the 4 carjackers to receive his sentence, which predicts an equally grim outcome for his accomplices. He was charged with felony murder, murder, carjacking, conspiracy to commit carjacking, possession of a permitless weapon, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, and possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. He prior convictions stem from a life of crime beginning when he was still a minor.
In a world in which the nations that are supposed to be the most progressive and enlightened, we see deranged criminals like Basim easily avoid deserved punishment simply because of their minority status. As such, Judge Ravin’s commentary and the subsequent ruling are not only refreshing but, sadly, uncommon.
If Basim’s sentence is any indicator of his accomplices’ upcoming hearings, we can expect Judge Ravin to bury these heartless thugs below the prison where they can smile to their hearts’ content.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Dice Ramon Alberto Escalante a los Oficialistas

A ti, hermanito oficialista, te pido que vayas a uno de los numerosos puestos de comida callejera en Delicias, por la Calle 72 y veas con tus propios ojos el enjambre de niños de todas las edades pidiendo sobras, pedacitos de pan, lo que queda del refresco… o más humilde y conmovedor: en mi barrio Altos de Jalisco, las pizzas más divinas y económicas de Maracaibo que sólo las piden para llevar porque en cuanto las sirven, una avalancha de niñitos hambrientos vienen a pedir un pedacito…

¿Cómo puedes aceptar que al cabo de tanto poder omnímodo, ley habilitante, el petróleo a todos los precios, incluso bonos de la deuda pública comprados por Goldman Sachs, Nicolás Maduro haya permitido el gran empobrecimiento nacional?… toda la clase media arruinada y los pobres sencillamente sin poder comer completo… ¿Por qué no inventó algo diferente como los chinos, los vietnamitas, los ecuatorianos? ¿Cómo pudo atrincherarse entre el besamanismo y los cortesanos, apartado del pueblo hambriento por el gas lacrimógeno y las ballenas, sin atreverse a hacer lo que recomendaron todos los economistas, incluso los socialistas de Venezuela y el mundo?

¿Y aún así quiere una Constituyente con sus amiguitos, la trampa de algunos que votan dos veces mientras la gran mayoría se quede sin representación directa? No, No, mil veces No… Nuestro Señor Dios no puede permitirlo, nuestra gloriosa juventud hasta se ha dejado matar por eso… de premiar la incapacidad con una Constituyente a la medida de su impopularidad, sería el mayor ejercicio de indolencia, impiedad, cinismo y barbarie de toda la historia de Venezuela…

Reply ·

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Man sings to 93 year old dying wife

Eight months after this video was recorded Grandpa was actually the one to pass first. On May 15, 2016 Howard closed his eyes for the last time. Grandma (Laura Virginia) held on just five more days until she followed her love home on May 20, 2016. She was surrounded by members of our family who were singing her favorite hymn "How Great Thou Art" when she took her last breath. They both passed peacefully at home. They were laid to rest side by side on July 22, 2016 in Sarasota, FL. Our family misses them dearly and remembers them often! It usually includes, music, singing and dancing!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


A large crowd of law enforcement and civilians awaited the arrival of Davis outside the Reed and Benoit Funeral Home Tuesday. Officers saluted as Davis' body was carried inside the funeral home; civilians embraced each other and held American flags as they paid their respect to the fallen trooper.

Police have just blocked off street of funeral home. Large group just showed up holding small American flags @CNYcentral

Davis' body had been brought to Syracuse early Monday morning to the Onondaga County Medical Examiner's Office. Davis left Syracuse the same way that he arrived: with an escort from fellow law enforcers. As the procession passed, other officers stood at attention and saluted the fallen trooper.

The procession left Syracuse at about 8:10 a.m. Tuesday. From there it escorted Davis' body on Interstate 81 back to Jefferson County, arriving at about 9:30 a.m.
Courtesy Michael Folsom
Courtesy Michael Folsom

People gathered on overpasses along the route to hang American flags and show respect for Trooper Davis as the procession passed by.

State Police say Davis, 36, was responding to a call of shots fired at a home on County Route 46 in Theresa when he was shot once and killed. Justin D. Walters, 32, a resident of the home and a Fort Drum soldier, has been charged for both Davis' death and the death of his wife, 27-year-old Nicole V. Walters, who was also found dead at the scene.
A third victim, Rebecca Finkle, was also shot but is expected to survive.
Justin Walters was arraigned Monday evening on first- and second-degree murder charges and ordered held without bail.

Hundreds of cops once again turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio

Cops protest de Blasio at slain officer’s funeral

By Shawn Cohen and Max Jaeger

July 11, 2017 | 11:30am | Updated

NYPD Miosotis Familia funeral
NYPD Miosotis Familia funeral

Bill de Blasio and Chirlane McCray arrive at the funeral service for Miosotis Familia.

Paul Martinka

Hundreds of cops once again turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio at a police funeral.

Thousands gather for funeral of slain NYPD officer

Scores of officers who assembled outside the World Changers Church in The Bronx for assassinated police officer Miosotis Familia on Tuesday protested the mayor by showing the building their backs as speakers broadcast Hizzoner’s eulogy from inside. The move was reminiscent of the funeral for slain officer Wenjian Liu in 2015, who was also executed by a cop-hating madman.

The officers chatted with one another or swiped through their phones during the mayoral snub.

The protest comes after de Blasio skipped town to participate in G-20 Summut protests in Germany on Thursday — the day after Familia, a 12-year department veteran and mother of three, was killed by maniac gunman Alexander Bonds.

“Mr. Mayor, you didn’t have to travel to Germany for a protest — all you had to do is speak in front of the men and women of the NYPD,” Sergeants Benevolent Association president Ed Mullins said.

Police promptly turned around when it was announced the police commissioner was next to speak — but not all resumed paying attention.

A de Blasio spokesman downplayed the police snub at his boss.

“A couple dozen people showed up to partake in a bogus controversy ginned up by the media and those looking to politicize Detective Familia’s death. That’s unfortunate,” rep Austin Finan wrote in an email to The Post.

“The mayor, police commissioner and thousands of police officers from the city and beyond attended today’s service in solidarity to pay their respects and honor Miosotis Familia.”

Friday, July 7, 2017


Origins of the Word Palestine

Puerto Rico's Plebiscite to Nowhere

The AtlanticJune 13, 2017

Don’t start stitching that 51st star on the American flag just yet. Although 97 percent of voters in a Puerto Rico referendum on June 11 voted to start down the path of statehood, the chance of the island becoming a state is still, at best, a long shot.

Optimism was the word of the day among supporters of Puerto Rico statehood after this most recent victory, in this high-profile plebiscite. Among revelers waving American flags Sunday night, Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello—the leader of the pro-statehood New Progressive Party—echoed sentiments that the referendum’s message was clear. “The United States of America will have to obey the will of our people!,” he told the crowd.

On the mainland, the jubilation continued to reverberate. In a statement on Monday, Congressman José E. Serrano, who was born in Puerto Rico, celebrated the results of the plebiscite and claimed it as final proof that “Congress has a duty to listen and act upon these results so that Puerto Rico can be decolonized once and for all.”

That same day, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer acknowledged the vote as a first step, saying “now that the people have spoken in Puerto Rico, this is something that Congress has to address.” To that end, Puerto Rico’s nonvoting Resident Commissioner in the House of Representatives, Jenniffer González, is drafting a statehood bill, and statehood advocates have been making the rounds on the Hill this week imploring Congress to move the matter forward.

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All that enthusiasm is probably for naught. In reality, Sunday’s vote didn’t actually signal imminent statehood for Puerto Rico, in spite of the huge margin of victory and insistences from proponents that it would force the issue in Congress. In fact, some observers think the resounding victory of statehood might have actually hurt the long-term prospects of the legislative body finally allowing Puerto Rico fully into the Union. “To make a long story short, the prospects are between zero and negative-10 percent,” says Carlos Iván Gorrín Peralta, a professor at the InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico and a territorial-law scholar.

At the end of the day, it’s the cynical calculations of politics in Washington that will determine Puerto Rico’s status.

Although proponents of statehood sometimes cast the referendum as an automatic trigger for congressional review, the facts are that Congress is not bound by any aspect of the referendum vote on Sunday, and that Puerto Rico’s right to self-determination—while an important theoretical international legal concept and germane to its own territorial constitution—simply does not exist in federal legislative terms. Puerto Rico occupies an uncertain political status, one different from the 37 states added to the original 13 United States by Congress.

“All 37 [entry] processes have followed the scheme set out way back in 1787 in the Northwest Ordinance,” says Gorrín. “They were all annexed as part of the United States, designated from that moment to become states eventually.” The landmass of the continental United States, as well as the archipelago of Hawaii and the territory of Alaska, were all added to the U.S. with the legal understanding that they would be eligible to become states, which meant that Congress had clear pathways—including the use of referenda and self-determination—for declaring and granting statehood.

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But Puerto Rico and the current U.S. territories have no such future statehood understanding. When Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines were added to the country after the 1898 Treaty of Paris ended the Spanish-American War, their status was as colonial possessions, not as future states. In a series of racialist decisions in the Supreme Court known as the Insular Cases, the Court distinguished the Caribbean possessions as “unincorporated” territories that would first have to be incorporated in order to be eligible for statehood. And that itself would require an express determination from Congress.

If that determination were made at some point in the future, Congress might still abide by a slow process of statehood. “Traditionally, Congress has used three political criteria to decide to finally admit a territory,” says Gorrín. Those three criteria are the number of people in the territory who want statehood, the embrace of “the fundamental values of American democracy” among the territory’s population, and the territory’s solvency.

Although the 97 percent pro-statehood vote has been touted as near-unanimous support, turnout for the Puerto Rico referendum was abysmal. Fewer than a quarter of all voters voted at all, after a controversy regarding Department of Justice certification of the ballot questions led to charges of corruption and a mass boycott among opposition parties. As a result, though the margin of victory for statehood was the highest ever, the total number of people who indicated support for the move—somewhere around 500,000 voters—is much lower than previous referenda, where statehood hit a high of 800,000 supporters in 2012. Add Puerto Rico’s well-documented financial woes to this ambiguity about the popular support of statehood and the concerns about the validity of the ballot, and it’s clear that Sunday’s referendum actually displayed mixed results for the criteria used to initiate statehood.

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Still, the final hurdle to Puerto Rico statehood is the fact that Congress simply doesn’t have to take up the matter at all, even with a referendum in hand. In today’s political climate, the Republican-dominated body won’t feel any pressure to add an island of millions of likely Democrats to the electorate.

Representative Luis V. Gutiérrez, an Illinois Democrat whose parents migrated to Chicago from Puerto Rico, outlined this dilemma in the language of realpolitik in a statement before the plebiscite. “The supporters of statehood are selling a fantasy that a Latino, Caribbean nation will be admitted as a state during the era of Donald Trump,” wrote Gutiérrez. “[Also] that states, many of which supported Trump, will accept a Spanish-speaking state that will receive just as many Senators and maybe even more House seats than they currently have.” At the end of the day, it’s the cynical calculations of politics in Washington that will determine Puerto Rico’s status. And it doesn’t appear Sunday’s plebiscite changed those much.