Friday, July 24, 2015


There was a time when dangerous mentally ill were put in institutions that were like prisons. There were many horrible abuses and policy changed. But have we come too far in the other direction? Do the mentally ill's right's supersede the general public's right to safety.

All of these killers had known mental health issues but were allowed to live amongst the population. Not all used guns to kill. 


Saturday, July 18, 2015


It only takes 2 seconds to be late on reacting to an attack. Most times that means you lose and will probably die.

A cop is killed on the job every 36 hours.

If you are approached and start to act stupid you become a candidate for deadly force.

This is what cops get for being caught by surprise or late on the draw.

These are just four incidents of the many documented cop killings. So just know that you are playing a high stakes games with you decided to resist or do something stupid. They can't afford to give you the benefit of doubt. They are afraid and ready for whatever may come.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Cuando estás siendo detenido - CUMPLIR

Sólo se tarda un nano-segundo para desencadenar una situación que podría costarle su vida. 

POLICÍA NO ES UN JUEGO: Cuando usted está siendo arrestado 

  1. Tirar las manos o resistir
  2. Gritar "¡No me toques!"
  3. Huir
  4. Sacar una pistola falsa 
Esto es un ejemplo clásico de un hombre que consiguió la muerte por payaso.  

Policías de Texas mataron a tiros a un hombre que sacó un arma, sólo para que resulte ser un arma de bolitas. 

Pero material bodycam de archivo de uno de los oficiales demuestra que no había manera que los oficiales de policía de Palestina podían saber que era una arma era falsa.
No hay duda de que fue un tiroteo justificado.
El incidente tuvo lugar el 31 de mayo, cuando el sargento Gabriel Green y su socio, funcionaria Kaylynn Griffin, estaban respondiendo a una llamada de un hombre que había intentado robar en una caja de cerveza de un Walmart.
Los empleados dijeron a la policía que vieron al hombre correr a un restaurante de Applebee cerca.
Sargento Verde encontró al hombre, James Bushey, dentro del baño él hombre se lava las manos. Y le el Sgto. lo ordenó salir.
Ambos policías caminaban Bushey al salir del restaurante, solicitando su identificación en el que parecía estar encabezadando un arresto de rutina.
Pero una vez fuera, Bushey sacó una réplica Colt 1911 calibre .45 arma de mano, lo que provocó Griffin a gritar "arma de fuego, arma de fuego, arma!", Como Verde trató de envolver su brazo alrededor de su cuello.
Bushey se liberó con la pistola falsa en su mano, y luego se dio la vuelta como si él iba a dispararles.

Ambos oficiales abrieron fuego, matándolo en el acto .

Obviamente, Bushey mal calculó la situación en que estaba. Sonreía y hacía bromas como se puede ver en el video. ¿Pensaría que podía engañar a los policías con una pistola falsa? ¿Pensaba que todos se reirán juntos cuando él les diga que era falsa? 

Según el  Herald de Palestina:
Los agentes de investigación fueron puestos en servicio administrativo hasta que un gran jurado del Condado de Anderson conoció y no tomó alguna medida contra los agentes. El 25 de junio El gran jurado visito las imágenes como parte de sus deliberaciones. Los oficiales regresaron a derecho pleno el siguiente fin de semana.
Miembros de la familia de Bushey declararon que no había razón para su comportamiento. Bushey se había trasladado a Elkhart después de un divorcio y estaba tratando de "recuperar su vida." Sin embargo, la familia admitió que Bushey se había ocupado de problemas anteriores con el alcohol y estaba en recuperación. Muñiz dijo que el informe de toxicología ha sido recibida por la estación de policía, pero no había sido lanzado al público.
El Departamento de Policía de Palestina  emitió bodycams  a los oficiales, en enero de 2015, que en este caso, no dejó ninguna duda que los policías estaban justificadas en el tiroteo.
Bushey se había trasladado a Texas de New Hampshire,  donde tuvo roces  con la ley que implica el alcohol y el robo a mano mientras afirmaba que tenía una pistola.

James Bushey
James Bushey


It only takes a nano-second to trigger a situation that could cost you your life.

POLICING IS NOT A GAME: When you are being arrested DO NOT!

  1. Pull away or resist
  2. Scream "Don't touch me!"
  3. Run away
Here's a classic example of a man who got dead for being a fool. 

Texas cops shot and killed a man who pulled out a gun, only for it to turn out to be fake.
But bodycam footage from one of the officers proves there was no way for the Palestine police officers to know the gun was fake.
No question it was a justified shooting.
The incident took place May 31 when Sergeant Gabriel Green and his partner, officer Kaylynn Griffin, were responding to a call about a man who had tried to shoplift a case of beer from a Walmart.
Employees told police they saw the man run into a nearby Applebee’s restaurant.
Sergeant Green found the man, James Bushey, inside the bathroom washing his hands. And ordered him to step outside.
Both cops walked Bushey out of the restaurant, requesting his identification where it looked to be headed for a routine arrest.
But once outside, Bushey pulled out a replica Colt 1911 .45 caliber handgun, prompting Griffin to yell out “gun, gun, gun!” as Green tried to wrap his arm around his neck.
Bushey broke free with the fake gun in his hand, then turned around as if he was going to shoot them.

Both officers opened fire, killing him on the spot.

He obviously misjudged the situation he was in. He was smiling and making wisecracks as you can see in the video. Did he believe he could bluff the cops with a fake gun? Did he think they'd all laugh together when he told them it was fake? 

According to the Palestine Herald:
During the investigation officers were placed on light duty until a Anderson County grand jury met and took no action against the officers on June 25. The grand jury viewed the footage as part of its deliberations. The officers returned to full duty the following weekend.
Bushey’s family members stated there was no reason for his behavior. Bushey had moved to Elkhart following a divorce and was trying to “get his life back together.” However, the family did admit that Bushey had dealt with previous alcohol problems and was in recovery. Muniz said the toxicology report has been received by the police station, but had not been released to the public.
The Palestine Police Department issued bodycams to officers in January 2015, which in this case, left no doubt the cops were justified in the shooting.
Bushey had moved to Texas from New Hampshire, where he had run-ins with the law involving alcohol and robbery while claiming he had a gun.

James Bushey
James Bushey