Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Main Stream Media, the DeepState, and the Globalists are Radicalizing Left-Wing Extremists

This is what we get from a political system that’s out of control. People have been amped-up into thinking it’s the end of the world if the other party wins.

Condoning riots, inciting people to resist as if the country was in the throes of a revolution. Maligning, slandering, anti-fascists physically attacking “fascists”! Brainwashing people to believe that they have been robbed of things and rights they are entitled to.

Politicians, the Main Stream Media, the DeepState, and the Globalists have taken advantage of the population’s naivety and susceptibility to manipulation by funding different organizations 
radicalizing left-wing extremists to “fight” for their cause.

Just like we did with Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, we again have created monsters. After they are no longer needed nobody deactivates them and they want to stay in the political game.

Politics is a blood sport. Ruthless and dangerous like war but in the end it is a sport. The people at the top incite the masses into action by telling them this is the most important election of their life, when they know it's really just another election. They motivate people by appealing to their deepest fears knowing they may have to make the opposite argument next year if necessary.

With very little knowledge about what politics and the world is about some people become convinced they are agents of change in an historical moment. When the game is over, they  will feel cheated and angry. They'll  blame the system. Some will seek other ways to fight and become radicalized. Others may just seek violence to hurt the people in this country that need to wake up or pay up. 

When it’s unknown everyday people getting hurt and dying it’s one thing but when it’s open season on politicians you can expect some change quick.

That’s why, in a way, this shooting of a congressperson may shake up all politicians. If they have enraged people to the point that they want to kill politicians because their candidate lost, it could very well be a Democrat the next time. 

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