Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Del muro de: Federico Pacanins

Del muro de:
Federico Pacanins
22 horas ·

 Reflexión de Manuel Caballero, venezolano (Barquisimeto, 1931-Caracas, 200), polémico historiador y periodista, autor de más de 50 libros sobre historiografía política y literatura; miembro de varias academias nacionales e internacionales, ganador de codiciados premios y hasta ahora es el único criollo publicado en la Universidad de Cambridge, donde se doctoró con una tesis sobre la Internacional Comunista y la revolución latinoamericana. Éramos un país de viajeros gozosos instalados en la dulzura ochocentista del ta`barato dame dos mayamero.

 Celebrábamos los Carnavales en Aruba, Semana Santa en Cartagena, vacaciones escolares en Miami y Navidades en el Rockefeller Center.

 Nuestros únicos exiliados eran los becarios del Plan Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho que se iban llenos de dòlares como abejas golosas a las colmenas del saber gringo. El que más o el que menos tenía un hermano, un primo o un novio protegiendo focas en Hawai o estudiando zootecnia en los bosques de Wichita, y uno que otro hijo de inmigrantes aterrizaba en casa de la tía gallega en La Coruña para estudiar medicina o con la abuela catalana en Gerona para estudiar Ecología.

 Pero el destino nos alcanzó, como en la película,- y nos sumamos al resto de países latinoamericanos como Argentina, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Rep.Dominicana o el Salvador, que luchan por un empleo de tercera en cualquiera de los países del primer mundo.

 En Europa era frecuente ver a los venezolanos de turistas manirrotos conociendo la tierra de los abuelos y mirando con lástima a los argentinos, que habían llegado por aluviones a los países de la comunidad europea en las diversas oleadas que las sacudidas políticas y económicas han arrojado fuera de la otrora Suiza de América.

 Aún no nos reponemos del shock. Desde hace 6 años, Venezuela se desangra buscando fuera de nuestras fronteras lo que dentro de ellas dos generaciones de venezolanos no pueden encontrar: trabajo, seguridad y una manera digna de vivir y de labrarse un future.

 Somos tantos los que huimos, que en las afueras de Miami ya hay un pueblo de quince mil habitantes que llaman popularmente Venezuelaville y que tiene la bandera de Venezuela como enseña en el cartel a la entrada al pueblo.

 En Atlanta hay cafés llamados Caracas y Ocumare, y dos areperas que hacen las delicias de colombianos y chicanos. New York está lleno de bartenders maracuchos y caraqueños. Las Islas Canarias parecen el Boulevard de Sabana Grande, y en Barcelona, en pleno otoño catalán basta con entrar al Corte Inglés para comprar harina Pan, tostoncitos o una polarcita bien fría, y encontrarse en la caja número 2 a un ex compañero de la UCV haciendo el mercado de la quincena. En menos de una década nos han convertido en un pueblo de inmigrantes, llenos de nostalgia de torontos y añorantes de queso telita.

 Hace veinte años, los intelectuales venezolanos se preguntaban que era "la identidad nacional", en este país de mientras tanto y por si acaso, cuyos monumentos históricos no pasan de la década de los albores del siglo XX, y la respuesta iba más allá de esta Venezuela bolivariana de Revista Tricolor, que intentan vendernos los neochavistas. Más allá del Turpial y el Araguaney, más allá del Flamboyan y de la Semana Santa de los 7 templos.

 Portugueses, italianos, españoles, eslavos, judíos y alemanes, fueron llegando a nuestras costas como sobrantes de una post-guerra de miseria y necesidades. Ahora hijos y nietos de esta marea aluvional, regresan a los países de donde vinieron los ancestros, para encontrar que valen lo mismo que un africano de patera o un colombiano sin papeles: o sea nada.

 El venezolano de clase media que emigra buscando la esperanza en otros países, ve convertidos sus títulos e innumerables postgrados en sólo papel mojado y generalmente termina aceptando el primer trabajo de mesonero o empleado que le permita pagar el alquiler para sobrevivir al invierno. Las mujeres venezolanas, acostumbradas a la paridad gerencial y a las conquistas logradas post era perejimenista, se encuentran con un mundo de amas de casa que tienen veinte años de atraso con respecto a Venezuela, en la mayoría de los casos europeos, y sobre todo en la supuesta "España moderna", que tiene la mayor tasa de violencia de género de Europa, que se escandaliza porque las Ministras del gobierno socialista posan para Vogue y en las que las mujeres en vez de jugar un papel en la historia juegan un trapo, como bien reprocharía Mafalda en uno de sus chistes más mordaces.

 Y el Norte, el Norte sigue siendo una quimera a ritmo de merengue venezolano, que atrocidad!. Un Norte de Migra persiguiendo petareños por la calle Ocho de Miami, de policías aduaneros que prácticamente te instalan un localizador satelital para encontrarte post vencimiento visa turística.
En Estados Unidos nos llaman "los balseros del aire", en Canadá nos niegan las visas antes de respirar siquiera y en los consulados australianos (por sólo dar tres ejemplos) nos colocan un "warning" alrededor de la nacionalidad.

 Ya no somos el país bienvenido del oro negro. Somos un país de exiliados forzosos, instalados en la añoranza de una Venezuela que no volverá y que nos dejó botados a las puertas de la historia, con nuestra rabia como única arma para derrotar a los mediocres que nos sellan el pasaporte a la salida.
Como decía Charly García, el último que salga que apague la luz...porque los que regresen tendrán la terrible mirada de los que no creen en nada.

 ¿Por que?, Por que carajo no cambiamos nuestros horizontes en vez de huir buscando un "sueño americano" ¿Por que no buscamos un "SUEÑO VENEZOLANO".
Este pais tiene todo lo que cualquier pais del mundo desearia, lo que nos falta es coraje para enfrentar de verdad las injusticias y lograr que los que estan engañados se den cuenta y reaccionen positivamente al sueño que todos tenemos de lograr un pais con futuro para nuestros hijos, y no huyendo en busca de un mundo de fantasias,.. . pero de otros, donde nos desprecian y humillan por no tener el valor de defender lo nuestro.
¿Sera que los venezolanos no tenemos cojones??? M.Caballero

Sunday, January 25, 2015

La Guarimba ha sido una importante herramienta para el pueblo contra gobiernos abusivos.

Barricadas (Guarimbas) en París 1830-1968: La Arquitectura Defensiva de insurgencias
Saturday, March 8th, 2014
Amigos encontré un artículo histórico sobre las guarimbas de París, Francia. No dice mucho pero contiene muchas fotos interesantes. La Guarimba ha sido una importante herramienta para el pueblo contra gobiernos abusivos. Aunque en estas fotos se ven Guarimberos armados, yo creo más prudente solo resistir sin combate. Llega el opresor, entras a tu casa. se va, sale a la calle.
Barricadas (La Guarimba) en París 1830-1968: La Arquitectura Defensiva de insurgencias
el 08 de enero 2012 Por Léopold Lambert

Barricada durante la Comuna de París en 1871
Actualmente estoy escribiendo un ensayo sobre " paisajes de la insurgencia "a través del cual la tipología arquitectónica de la barricada (La Guarimba), por supuesto, la predominante. Este mensaje no se elabora sobre este tema, ya que yo estoy haciendo en este ensayo, sino que da un conjunto de referencias específicamente para el ejemplo de París desde la revolución de 1830 para los estudiantes y trabajadores de la huelga general de mayo de 1968. París es, en efecto, probablemente, el ejemplo más documentado de tal arquitectura militarizada pero barricadas se han construido y se utiliza en muchas ciudades (Barcelona, ​​México, Varsovia, Riga, etc) en todo el mundo durante el siglo 19 y 20.
- Para los lectores franceses, el libro La Barricade editado por Alain Corbin y Jean-Marie Mayeur como una colección de conferencias dictadas en un simposio en 1995 y publicado por La Sorbona es una mirada histórica preciosa a las barricadas parisinas del siglo 19 y, finalmente, ampliarla a otras ciudades y otras épocas.
- En Los Miserables , de Victor Hugo describe escenas de guerrilla urbana durante una insurgencia en 1832 incluyendo una que se mantuvo famoso en la historia de la literatura francesa, cuando el joven Gavroche es disparado por el ejército real mientras canta una ritournelle (ver artículo anterior ).
- En 1848, justo después de la revolución, Marshall Thomas Bugeaud que era famoso por derrotar a la gran Abd-el Kader y su movimiento de la ciudad / del ejército, la smala, y poniendo así fin a la colonización de Argelia (1837), escribe un libro titulado La Guerre des Rues et des Maisons (Guerra de calles y casas), que establece una serie de estrategias de lucha contra la insurgencia
en París que involucran a un grado muy importante, la arquitectura y el entorno construido.
- En 1866, Auguste Blanqui publica clandestinamente un tratado aún opuesta similares, Esquisse de la marche à suivre dans premio d’une arme à Paris que traducida parcialmente un artículo de edad . Este breve texto describe muy metódica cómo transformar un barrio urbano en una verdadera fortaleza, construyendo barricadas en marcha (incluso da cálculos para saber cuántos empedrado que pueda necesitar), sino también en el interior de los edificios, perforando paredes y suelos para maximizar los defensores la circulación y reducir al mínimo el oponente.
- Acerca de la Comuna de París 1871 (ver artículos anteriores 1 y 2 ), el relato ofrecido por Prosper Olivier Lissagaray que estaba en París durante esos tres meses de la independencia socialista, es generalmente considerado como el más útil para comprender los acontecimientos. Sin embargo, el docu-ficción La Comuna creada por Peter Watkins (ver los muchos artículos anteriores ) en el año 2000 ofrece paradójicamente una representación que no debe estar tan lejos de la realidad.

De hecho, esta película cinco largos por la noche (
que puede ser reloj integralmente aquí ) es un anacronismo en la tecnología (es un reportaje de la televisión!) y el lenguaje (personajes hablan en un francés contemporáneo), sino por su humanidad y su integración de las pequeñas y grandes desacuerdos entre las personas involucradas en la Comuna, se las arregla para llegar a un nivel

de clarividencia que podría ser más útil que una gran cantidad de narraciones históricas.

- En Barricadas y bulevares , nuestro amigo Carl Douglas (véase su ensayo invitado ) compara esas insurgencias del siglo 19 con la transformación militarizada más drástica de París por Napoleón III y su barón Haussmann .
Todas esas referencias están relacionadas con el siglo 19, pero barricadas han sido también la acumulación al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial durante la batalla por la liberación de París por la resistencia francesa, así que en mayo 1968 por estudiantes y trabajadores. En este último caso, una referencia adicional se puede encontrar en la película Los amantes regulares

(2005) de Philippe Garrel.

Barricada durante la Revolución de 1830

Barricada durante la Revolución de 1848

Barricade (Chateau Gaillard) durante la Comuna de París en 1871

Barricada durante la liberación de París en 1945

Barricada mayo 1968

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Ironically, just a day after Silver shared the stage with Gov. Andrew Cuomo during his State of the State address, as Cuomo joked that he, Silver and the Senate majority leader were the "three amigos" of state government, Sheldon Silver is arrested by the FBI.

Governor Andrew Cuomo announced his intentions to visit Mexico accompanied with Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. The Governor made this pronouncement with great fanfare and excitement, using a giant screen to show the three of them wearing Mexican hats with the caption: The 3 Amigos

When Rev-Sen Ruben Diaz gestured drawing the Governor's attention, Governor Andrew Cuomo responded by saying: These 3 Amigos are different than previous ones.

Implying that there was something wrong with the previous amigos. The Amigos reference might have been a swipe at Rev. Sen. Ruben Diaz who had put together a group called the 4 Amigos in 2010. From that group 3 of the 4 four wound up with serious legal problems and are no longer serving.  

Governor Andrew Cuomo himself is presently under federal  investigation and has retained criminal counsel.

Add caption
The original Four Amigos, Senators Ruben Diaz, Efrain Monserrate, Pedro Espada and Carl Kruger. Only senator Diaz remains unscathed.

Friday, January 16, 2015



You can't watch or download the latest Hobbit movie but people are able to reach terrorist recruiters through the internet. The Government should make available a constantly updated black list of these websites to internet service providers (ISP) and they should be blocked and disabled. While we're at it, block underage porn instead of leaving it as bait. In this day and age we can clearly identify dangerous criminal content. We block and delete viruses and malware all the time. 

Blocking these sites is something that will put a dent on the tide of terrorist violence. The internet is the easiest way they can recruit susceptible candidates and provide encouragement and propaganda to their agents.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

LAS ARMAS: ¿O nos peinamos o nos hacemos rolos?

Mientras los acaparadores de armas aquí en los Estados inventan más razones para desarmar a los ciudadanos y prohibir cualquier cosa que se PAREZCA a un arma de asalto, Europa, con las leyes más restrictivas de armas en el mundo, está sufriendo una ola de asesinatos múltiples.

Es fácil y común para los malandros adquirir REALES armas de asalto militar automáticas através de fuentes subterráneas.

Los asaltantes son siempre envalentonados cuando pueden acudir sus "blancos blandos" y matar gente con impunidad. Ellos no tienen miedo porque en estos países, nadie tiene un arma, ni la policía.

Si hubiera habido gente armada presente en Charlie Hebdo o en el mercado kosher, estos incidentes hubieran terminado diferente o tal vez no hubieran pasado.

A los delincuentes no les importa qué ley imponen, van a conseguir las armas que necesitan para maltratar y matar a sus víctimas.

Si desarmamos a todos los estadounidenses vamos a necesitar endurecer todos los lugares  públicos con presencia policial.
Tendremos que vivir y comprar en fortalezas protegidas.

Espera… no queremos que eso tampoco.

¿Enfrentaremos malvados sátrapas pidiendo clemencia o vamos a defendernos?

América, es tiempo de madurar y ser realistas sobre las arma.

¿O nos peinamos o nos hacemos rolos?


As gun grabbers here in the states find more reasons to disarm citizens and ban anything that LOOKS like an assault weapon, Europe, with the most restrictive gun laws in the world, is suffering a rash of multiple shootings.

It is easy and common for the bad guys to acquire REAL fully automatic military assault weapons through underground sources.

Shooters are always emboldened when they can walk into their "soft target" and kill people with impunity. They have no fear because in these countries nobody has a gun, not even the police.

If there would have been armed people at Charlie Hebdo and at the kosher market these incidents would have ended differently or maybe not happened at all.

Criminals don't care what law you pass, they will get the weapons they need to brutalize and kill their victims.

If we disarm all Americans we're going to need to have all public places hardened with police presence. We will have to live and shop in protected fortresses.

Wait, we don't want that either. Will we face evil cowering begging for mercy or are we going to defend ourselves?

Time to GROW UP and get real about guns America. You can't have it both ways.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


We have too many young people in prison for non-violent crimes. Many times the sentencing guidelines are disproportionate and the prosecutions selective. Once you make a youngster a felon for life you condemn him to live in a second class world. No voting, no jobs, ineligibility for education. These minor criminals have little options than to try to survive as "criminals". Lets not forget that prisons are a business.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Valledupar vivió su idilio con Willie Colón

Valledupar vivió su idilio con Willie Colón

En tierras de acordeones, la salsa se robó el show.
La capital mundial del vallenato gozó con la música del trombonista y cantante de raíces puertorriqueñas Willie Colón, quien fue el artista principal del Concierto por La Paz, que se llevó a cabo entre la noche de este sábado y la madrugada de ayer, en el Parque de la Leyenda Vallenata.  El evento que se desarrolló en el marco del cumpleaños 465 de Valledupar, contó en el escenario también con la actuación del salsero venezolano Luis Felipe González, Peter Manjarrés, Elkin Uribe, Kevin Flórez y Checo Acosta, quienes con sus voces encendieron los ánimos de los valduparenses  hasta las 5:10 a.m. de ayer.

Los teloneros fueron la Banda Municipal de Valledupar, quienes a las 7:45 p.m. subieron a la tarima Nicolás 'Colacho Mendoza', para entretener al público asistente con música representativa de la Región Caribe.  Acto seguido, Los Juglares Vallenatos, recordaron los clásicos del vallenato y con canciones como la Cañaguatera, interpretada por Isaac Tijito Carrillo, complacieron a los amantes del vallenato de antaño.

Previo a la intervención de Colón, saltó al escenario el salsero caraqueño Luis Felipe Rodríguez, quien fue el encargado de dar el cambio de vallenato a salsa, un giro de 180°, que fue bien recibido por los asistentes que aplaudieron y corearon fuertemente éxitos como La Sirena, La Saporrita, El Emperadorcito, entre otros.  A medida que transcurría cada uno de estos clásicos, la plaza quedaba cada vez más preparada para que una de las leyendas vivientes de la Fania All Star, se luciera en una ciudad que demostró estar abierta a otros ritmos.  "Aquí siempre y cuando la música sea buena tiene sus seguidores, prueba de ello es este espectáculo, en el cual hay muchos vallenatos que estamos gozando con buena salsa venezolana y ahora estamos esperando a Willie", dijo Heiner Castro.

A las 11:50 p.m. comenzó el show central, que tendría como protagonista a Willie Colón, quien totalmente vestido de negro y con sus infaltables lentes tipo Ray Ban, comenzó a interpretar 'Talento en Televisión', pieza musical que puso de pie a los asistentes al evento y a cantar cada estrofa de este éxito que salió al mercado en 1995.  Su voz lucía intacta, pese a sus 65 años.  "Buenas noches Valledupar, es un honor poder estar aquí", fueron las primeras palabras que entregó a los vallenatos, luego de enjuagar su boca con una fina bebida que tomaba de un vaso ubicado sobre su izquierda.   El show siguió con el disco que más coreó el público, 'Idilio', palabra que describe lo vivido en el parque, donde los vallenatos sostuvieron una relación musical romántica e intensa con el Rey del Trombón, quien de inmediato comenzó a hacer gala de sus dotes de músico al interpretar este instrumento de viento.

En medio del acto, el Malo del Bronx como es conocido en el mundo salsero, fue declarado huésped de honor, al recibir las llaves de la Ciudad, de manos del alcalde de Valledupar, Fredys Socarrás Reales.  "Es la primera vez que me dan unas llaves como esta en Colombia, para mí es un honor, de verdad, muchas gracias".

La presentación de uno de los mejores arreglistas que ha tenido la salsa siguió con éxitos como Asia, Sin poderte hablar, Gitana, Che che Cole, Calle luna, calle sol; ¡Oh! Qué será, y El gran varón.  "Si el mundo fuera justo, Héctor Lavoe estuviera vivo y todos los imitadores muertos". Colón también interpretó una estrofa del 'Cumpleaños feliz' a Valledupar.

Hacia la 1:25, William Anthony Colón, se despidió de los vallenatos con un hasta pronto y salió del escenario cantando.  El público lo aplaudió de manera constante y cuando se creía que la función había culminado, Colón regresó.  "Mi primer disco salió en 1966, era muy joven, hice este tema con Héctor Juan Pérez Martínez, y a partir de ahí cambió su nombre a Lavoe y quiero hacerle un tributo, porque si no fuera por él yo no estuviera aquí. Su música aún suena por todas partes y Colombia no es la excepción", declaró el nacido en New York, quien interpretó el disco 'Homenaje a Héctor Lavoe': "Lavoe, la voz del movimiento, Lavoe, de un buen puertorriqueño, Lavoe, mi voz te canta en esta función".

Discos como Periódico de ayer, El Todopoderoso y El cantante también fueron desempolvados por Colón y sus coristas.  Finalmente, luego de dos horas de buena salsa, a la 1:40 p.m. concluyó su show.  "Gracias por hacerme quedar bien, si no mañana salieran unos titulares muy feos diciendo que Willie Colón vino a Valledupar y nadie llegó".

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth


Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth

Sunday, 16 Nov 2014 07:46 PM
By Clayton B. Reid
Image: Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth
With nasty cold fronts thrusting an icy and early winter across the continental U.S. — along with last winter described by USA Today as "one of the snowiest, coldest, most miserable on record" — climatologist John L. Casey thinks the weather pattern is here to stay for decades to come.

In fact, Casey, a former space shuttle engineer and NASA consultant, is out with the  provocative book "Dark Winter: How the Sun Is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell," which warns that a radical shift in global climate is underway, and that Al Gore and other environmentalists have it completely wrong.  [Get "Dark Winter" with Free Offer — Click Here]

The earth, he says, is cooling, and cooling fast.

And unless the scientific community and political leaders act soon, cold, dark days are ahead.

Story continues below video.

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Casey says the evidence is clear that the earth is rapidly growing colder because of diminished solar activity.

He says trends indicate we could be headed for colder temperatures similar to those seen in the late 1700s and early 1800s when the sun went into a "solar minimum" — a phenomenon with significantly reduced solar activity, including solar flares and sunspots.

Special: Get John Casey's "Dark Winter" With Free Offer — Click Here

If he's right, that would be very bad news.

"Dark Winter" posits that a 30-year period of cold has already begun. Frigid temperatures and the food shortages that inevitably result could lead to riots and chaos.

Casey tells Newsmax, "All you have to do is trust natural cycles and follow the facts, and that leads you to the inevitable conclusion that the sun controls the climate, and that a new cold era has begun."

Casey is president of the Space and Science Research Corp., an Orlando, Fla., climate research firm.

His new book debunks global warming orthodoxy. For more than a decade, he reports, the planet's oceans have been cooling. And since 2007, the atmospheric temperature has been cooling as well.

"The data is pretty solid," Casey says. "If you look at the 100-year global temperature chart, you look at the steep drop-off we've had since 2007. It's the steepest drop in global temperatures in the last hundred years."

So how can the media and scientific elites make a case for global warming when it's actually cooling?

Casey suggests climate-change theorists have simply wedded themselves to the wrong theory — namely, that global temperatures respond to the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Story continues below video.

Any scientist suggesting otherwise is castigated as a heretic, though there are other prominent scientists who support Casey.

Noted Russian astrophysicist Habibullo I. Abdussamatov has argued that a new mini-ice age has begun, though Casey doesn't go that far.

He does agree with Abdussamatov that the real driver of global climate is solar activity, namely sunspots. These correspond to shifts in global temperature with a greater than 90 percent accuracy, he says.

Special: Get John Casey's "Dark Winter" With Free Offer — Click Here

The environmental left focuses instead on ever-rising greenhouse emissions, suggesting nature is just taking a bit of a breather before the upward march in temperatures ineluctably resumes.

"There are two fundamental flaws with that," Casey says. "No. 1, the greenhouse-gas theory, and the global climate models that they produced, never permitted a pause. As long as CO2 levels were going up, the only thing that could happen was global temperatures could go up. That has not happened.

"No. 2, there could absolutely be no cooling, much less a pause. And yet we've been cooling for 11 years now."

The recent polar vortex that sent temperatures across the Midwest plunging to sub-zero records is not an aberration, Casey says.

If "Dark Winter" is right, that means the nation is busily preparing for the wrong calamity.

"We don't have 10 years," Casey warns. "We've squandered during President Obama's administration eight years ... and we didn't have eight years to squander."

The worst of the cooling cycle, Casey predicts, will hit in the late 2020s and the early 2030s.

Food riots will break out, demand for heating oil will spike, and the failure of the corn crop will put the squeeze on ethanol.

He even predicts the United States will ban agricultural exports to feed its own citizens.

When Casey developed his theories in 2007, he emerged with several predictions.

Rising temperatures would begin to reverse themselves within three years. The sun would enter a phase of reduced activity he called "solar hibernation." And oceanic and atmospheric temperatures would enter a long decline.

Special: Get John Casey's "Dark Winter" With Free Offer — Click Here

So far, all of Casey's predictions have come true. He says, "My theory tells you when it will be cold ... and it is the cold that kills."

Casey also suggests that a long-term cold spell will have dire effects on the earth's geology.

As air and ocean temperatures cool, the earth's crust begins changing, leading to more volcanic activity and earthquakes. Casey notes that the worst earthquake to strike the continental U.S. in modern times was in 1812 in New Madrid, Missouri — during the last great solar minimum.

The climate changes also will affect human activity and may be a prelude to revolutionary politics. He says the French Revolution took place at the beginning of the last solar minimum in 1789.

"It could be one of the reasons Putin is so eager to get Ukraine," Casey says. "For many decades before Ukraine became independent, it was the primary source of wheat for the Soviet Union during cold weather times. Putin must have the wheat of Ukraine for the new cold era."

Casey has a worried look as he talks about the revelations in "Dark Winter."

"There is no human on earth, much less here in the U.S., who has experienced the depth and duration of cold we're about to experience — it's that serious," he says.

Special: Get John Casey's "Dark Winter" With Free Offer — Click Here

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Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee
Deputy Sheriff David "Bubba" Johnson
Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, TN
EOW: Sunday, January 12, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Puerto Rico Police Department, Puerto Rico
Agent Carlos Rivera-Vega
Puerto Rico Police Department, PR
EOW: Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Bay Area Rapid Transit Police Department, California
Detective Sergeant Tom Smith
Bay Area Rapid Transit Police Department, CA
EOW: Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire (Accidental)
Burns Flat Police Department, Oklahoma
Police Officer Kristian Willhight
Burns Flat Police Department, OK
EOW: Thursday, January 23, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicle pursuit
Washita County Sheriff's Office, Oklahoma
Undersheriff Brian Beck
Washita County Sheriff's Office, OK
EOW: Thursday, January 23, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicle pursuit
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, Colorado
Sergeant David Baldwin
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, CO
EOW: Sunday, January 26, 2014
Cause of Death: Motorcycle accident
Hardeman County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee
Animal Control Officer Eddie Maurice Hamer
Hardeman County Sheriff's Office, TN
EOW: Monday, January 27, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Utah County Sheriff's Office, Utah
Sergeant Cory Wride
Utah County Sheriff's Office, UT
EOW: Thursday, January 30, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Greensville County Sheriff's Office, Virginia
Deputy Sheriff Percy Lee House, III
Greensville County Sheriff's Office, VA
EOW: Friday, January 31, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Orange County Sheriff's Office, Florida
Deputy Sheriff Jonathan Scott Pine
Orange County Sheriff's Office, FL
EOW: Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Scotts Bluff County Detention Center, Nebraska
Correctional Officer Amanda Baker
Scotts Bluff County Detention Center, NE
EOW: Sunday, February 16, 2014
Cause of Death: Assault
California Highway Patrol, California
Officer Brian Law
California Highway Patrol, CA
EOW: Monday, February 17, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
California Highway Patrol, California
Officer Juan Gonzalez
California Highway Patrol, CA
EOW: Monday, February 17, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Phoenix Police Department, Arizona
Detective John Hobbs
Phoenix Police Department, AZ
EOW: Monday, March 3, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Los Angeles Police Department, California
Police Officer III Nicholas Choung Lee
Los Angeles Police Department, CA
EOW: Friday, March 7, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Puerto Rico Police Department, Puerto Rico
Agent Joaquín Correa-Ortega
Puerto Rico Police Department, PR
EOW: Monday, March 10, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service Law Enforcement and Investigations, U.S. Government
Officer Jason Crisp
United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service Law Enforcement and Investigations, US
EOW: Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Trinity University Police Department, Texas
Police Officer Marc Uland Kelley
Trinity University Police Department, TX
EOW: Friday, March 14, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Lafayette County Sheriff's Office, Arkansas
Chief Deputy Sheriff Pete Richardson
Lafayette County Sheriff's Office, AR
EOW: Monday, March 17, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicular assault
Oak Forest Police Department, Illinois
Police Officer James Morrissy
Oak Forest Police Department, IL
EOW: Monday, March 17, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Mendocino County Sheriff's Office, California
Deputy Sheriff Ricky Del Fiorentino
Mendocino County Sheriff's Office, CA
EOW: Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Windermere Police Department, Florida
Police Officer Robert German
Windermere Police Department, FL
EOW: Saturday, March 22, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
United States Navy Security Forces, U.S. Government
Master-at-Arms Mark Mayo
United States Navy Security Forces, US
EOW: Monday, March 24, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, Florida
Officer Mark H. Larson
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, FL
EOW: Monday, March 24, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicular assault
New Bern Police Department, North Carolina
Police Officer Alexander Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC
EOW: Monday, March 31, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Johnson City Police Department, New York
Police Officer David W. Smith
Johnson City Police Department, NY
EOW: Monday, March 31, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Plymouth Police Department, Massachusetts
Police Officer Gregg Maloney
Plymouth Police Department, MA
EOW: Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Cause of Death: Motorcycle accident
Barren County Sheriff's Office, Kentucky
Deputy Sheriff Ernest T. Franklin
Barren County Sheriff's Office, KY
EOW: Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
New York City Police Department, New York
Police Officer Dennis Guerra
New York City Police Department, NY
EOW: Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Cause of Death: Fire
Los Angeles Police Department, California
Police Officer II Chris Cortijo
Los Angeles Police Department, CA
EOW: Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicular assault
Puerto Rico Police Department, Puerto Rico
Agent Marielis Morales-Santiago
Puerto Rico Police Department, PR
EOW: Thursday, April 10, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Polk County Sheriff's Office, Wisconsin
Deputy Sheriff Michael J. Seversen
Polk County Sheriff's Office, WI
EOW: Monday, April 14, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Covington County Sheriff's Office, Alabama
Deputy Sheriff William Heath Kelley
Covington County Sheriff's Office, AL
EOW: Friday, April 18, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Spotsylvania County Sheriff's Office, Virginia
Deputy Sheriff Bryan Marshall Berger
Spotsylvania County Sheriff's Office, VA
EOW: Monday, April 28, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Alaska State Troopers, Alaska
Trooper Gabriel Rich
Alaska State Troopers, AK
EOW: Thursday, May 1, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Alaska State Troopers, Alaska
Sergeant Patrick Scott Johnson
Alaska State Troopers, AK
EOW: Thursday, May 1, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Los Angeles Police Department, California
Police Officer II Roberto C. Sanchez
Los Angeles Police Department, CA
EOW: Saturday, May 3, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicular assault
Florida Highway Patrol, Florida
Trooper Chelsea Richard
Florida Highway Patrol, FL
EOW: Saturday, May 3, 2014
Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle
Eatonton Police Department, Georgia
Police Officer Noel Lee Hawk
Eatonton Police Department, GA
EOW: Sunday, May 4, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Mississippi
Master Sergeant John Collum
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, MS
EOW: Friday, May 9, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicular assault
Metro Nashville Police Department, Tennessee
Police Officer Michael Alexander Petrina
Metro Nashville Police Department, TN
EOW: Saturday, May 10, 2014
Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle
Killeen Police Department, Texas
Detective Charles Dinwiddie
Killeen Police Department, TX
EOW: Sunday, May 11, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Brentwood Police Department, New Hampshire
Patrolman Stephen Arkell
Brentwood Police Department, NH
EOW: Monday, May 12, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Franklin County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
Deputy Sheriff Steven LaCruz "Cruz" Thomas
Franklin County Sheriff's Office, GA
EOW: Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Michigan Department of Corrections, Michigan
Correctional Officer Chad Charles
Michigan Department of Corrections, MI
EOW: Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Salt River Police Department, Tribal Police
Police Officer Jair Cabrera
Salt River Police Department, TR
EOW: Saturday, May 24, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - United States Border Patrol, U.S. Government
Border Patrol Agent Alexander Giannini
United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - United States Border Patrol, US
EOW: Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
New York State Police, New York
Trooper Christopher Skinner
New York State Police, NY
EOW: Thursday, May 29, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicular assault
United States Department of Justice - United States Marshals Service, U.S. Government
Special Deputy Marshal Frank McKnight
United States Department of Justice - United States Marshals Service, US
EOW: Thursday, May 29, 2014
Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle
Norfolk Police Department, Virginia
Police Officer Brian Jones
Norfolk Police Department, VA
EOW: Friday, May 30, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Potter County Sheriff's Office, Texas
Sergeant Paul Buckles
Potter County Sheriff's Office, TX
EOW: Friday, May 30, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Griffin Police Department, Georgia
Police Officer Kevin Dorian Jordan
Griffin Police Department, GA
EOW: Saturday, May 31, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Philadelphia School Police Department, Pennsylvania
Sergeant Daryl Giles
Philadelphia School Police Department, PA
EOW: Monday, June 2, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Nevada
Police Officer Igor Soldo
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, NV
EOW: Sunday, June 8, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Nevada
Police Officer Alyn Beck
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, NV
EOW: Sunday, June 8, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Stockton Police Department, California
Police Officer Scott Hewell
Stockton Police Department, CA
EOW: Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Little River-Academy Police Department, Texas
Chief of Police Lee Dixon
Little River-Academy Police Department, TX
EOW: Thursday, June 19, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana
Deputy Sheriff Allen Bares, Jr.
Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office, LA
EOW: Monday, June 23, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Tipton County Sheriff's Office, Indiana
Deputy Sheriff Jacob Daniel Calvin
Tipton County Sheriff's Office, IN
EOW: Saturday, June 28, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, Indiana
Officer Perry W. Renn
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, IN
EOW: Saturday, July 5, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Gary Police Department, Indiana
Patrolman Jeffrey Brady Westerfield
Gary Police Department, IN
EOW: Sunday, July 6, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Jersey City Police Department, New Jersey
Detective Melvin Santiago
Jersey City Police Department, NJ
EOW: Sunday, July 13, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Waldwick Police Department, New Jersey
Police Officer Christopher Goodell
Waldwick Police Department, NJ
EOW: Thursday, July 17, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Mendota Heights Police Department, Minnesota
Police Officer Scott Patrick
Mendota Heights Police Department, MN
EOW: Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Butler County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska
Sheriff Mark A. Hecker
Butler County Sheriff's Office, NE
EOW: Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California
Lieutenant Patrick Libertone
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, CA
EOW: Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Cascade County Sheriff's Office, Montana
Deputy Sheriff Joseph James Dunn
Cascade County Sheriff's Office, MT
EOW: Thursday, August 14, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicular assault
Elmendorf Police Department, Texas
Chief of Police Michael Pimentel
Elmendorf Police Department, TX
EOW: Saturday, August 23, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Puerto Rico Police Department, Puerto Rico
Agent Geniel Amaro-Fantauzzi
Puerto Rico Police Department, PR
EOW: Monday, August 25, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Titus County Constable's Office - Precinct 2, Texas
Constable Cleve Johnson
Titus County Constable's Office - Precinct 2, TX
EOW: Thursday, August 28, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Rochester Police Department, New York
Police Officer Daryl Pierson
Rochester Police Department, NY
EOW: Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Merrillville Police Department, Indiana
Patrolman II Nickolaus E. Schultz
Merrillville Police Department, IN
EOW: Sunday, September 7, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Topeka Police Department, Kansas
Corporal Jason E. Harwood
Topeka Police Department, KS
EOW: Sunday, September 7, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Charleston County Sheriff's Office, South Carolina
Deputy Sheriff Joseph Matuskovic
Charleston County Sheriff's Office, SC
EOW: Monday, September 8, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - United States Border Patrol, U.S. Government
Border Patrol Agent Tyler R. Robledo
United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - United States Border Patrol, US
EOW: Friday, September 12, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Pennsylvania State Police, Pennsylvania
Corporal Bryon Keith Dickson, II
Pennsylvania State Police, PA
EOW: Friday, September 12, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Monroe County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
Deputy Sheriff Michael Norris
Monroe County Sheriff's Office, GA
EOW: Sunday, September 14, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Newark Police Department, New Jersey
Police Officer Reinaldo Arocha, Jr.
Newark Police Department, NJ
EOW: Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Travis County Sheriff's Office, Texas
Senior Deputy Jessica Laura Hollis
Travis County Sheriff's Office, TX
EOW: Thursday, September 18, 2014
Cause of Death: Drowned
New York City Police Department, New York
Police Officer Michael Williams
New York City Police Department, NY
EOW: Sunday, September 21, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Covina Police Department, California
Police Officer Jordan Corder
Covina Police Department, CA
EOW: Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Cause of Death: Motorcycle accident
Pennsylvania State Police, Pennsylvania
Trooper David Kedra
Pennsylvania State Police, PA
EOW: Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire (Accidental)
Midland County Sheriff's Office, Texas
Sergeant Michael Joe Naylor
Midland County Sheriff's Office, TX
EOW: Thursday, October 9, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire

Police Officer Eddie Johnson, Jr.
Alton Police Department, MO
EOW: Monday, October 20, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Sacramento County Sheriff's Department, California
Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver
Sacramento County Sheriff's Department, CA
EOW: Friday, October 24, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Placer County Sheriff's Department, California
Investigator Michael David Davis, Jr.
Placer County Sheriff's Department, CA
EOW: Friday, October 24, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Clarksville Police Department, Tennessee
Detective Kagan Dindar
Clarksville Police Department, TN
EOW: Friday, October 24, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Butler County Sheriff's Office, Alabama
Deputy Sheriff John Timothy Williamson
Butler County Sheriff's Office, AL
EOW: Saturday, October 25, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Rio Rancho Police Department, New Mexico
Officer Anthony Haase
Rio Rancho Police Department, NM
EOW: Sunday, October 26, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Summerville Police Department, South Carolina
Patrolman Robert Blajszczak
Summerville Police Department, SC
EOW: Sunday, October 26, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Dothan Police Department, Alabama
Sergeant Jeffrey W. Garrett
Dothan Police Department, AL
EOW: Monday, October 27, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Ventura County Sheriff's Office, California
Deputy Sheriff Eugene Kostiuchenko
Ventura County Sheriff's Office, CA
EOW: Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicular assault
Harris County Sheriff's Office, Texas
Deputy Sheriff Jesse Valdez, III
Harris County Sheriff's Office, TX
EOW: Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicular assault
Pomona Police Department, California
Police Officer Shaun Richard Diamond
Pomona Police Department, CA
EOW: Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Chandler Police Department, Arizona
Police Officer David Payne
Chandler Police Department, AZ
EOW: Friday, October 31, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicular assault
El Paso County Constable's Office - Precinct 1, Texas
Constable Robert Parker White
El Paso County Constable's Office - Precinct 1, TX
EOW: Saturday, November 1, 2014
Cause of Death: Assault
Cedar County Sheriff's Office, Missouri
Deputy Sheriff Matthew Chism
Cedar County Sheriff's Office, MO
EOW: Sunday, November 2, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Maury County Sheriff's Department, Tennessee
Deputy Sheriff Darrell Perritt
Maury County Sheriff's Department, TN
EOW: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicle pursuit
Clarendon County Sheriff's Department, South Carolina
Investigator Holmes Smith
Clarendon County Sheriff's Department, SC
EOW: Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
United States Department of Veterans Affairs Police Services, U.S. Government
Police Officer Ronald A. Leisure
United States Department of Veterans Affairs Police Services, US
EOW: Friday, November 14, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Akron Police Department, Ohio
Police Officer Justin Winebrenner
Akron Police Department, OH
EOW: Sunday, November 16, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Union County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
Sergeant Jeffrey Wayne Greene
Union County Sheriff's Office, NC
EOW: Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Willacy County Sheriff's Office, Texas
Sergeant Alejandro "Alex" Martinez
Willacy County Sheriff's Office, TX
EOW: Friday, November 21, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Leon County Sheriff's Office, Florida
Deputy Sheriff Christopher Smith
Leon County Sheriff's Office, FL
EOW: Saturday, November 22, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Elmore County Sheriff's Office, Alabama
Deputy Sheriff James "Bart" Hart
Elmore County Sheriff's Office, AL
EOW: Sunday, November 23, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
San Juan Police Department, Puerto Rico
Agent Edwin O. Roman-Acevedo
San Juan Police Department, PR
EOW: Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Navajo Division of Public Safety, Tribal Police
Police Officer Ernest Montoya
Navajo Division of Public Safety, TR
EOW: Sunday, November 30, 2014
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Ingham County Sheriff's Office, Michigan
Deputy Sheriff Grant William Whitaker
Ingham County Sheriff's Office, MI
EOW: Sunday, December 7, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicle pursuit
Perryopolis Borough Police Department, Pennsylvania
Police Officer Richard Anthony Champion
Perryopolis Borough Police Department, PA
EOW: Sunday, December 14, 2014
Cause of Death: Vehicle pursuit
George County Sheriff's Office, Mississippi
Deputy Sheriff John Robert Street
George County Sheriff's Office, MS
EOW: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
New York City Police Department, New York
Police Officer Rafael Ramos
New York City Police Department, NY
EOW: Saturday, December 20, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
New York City Police Department, New York
Police Officer Wenjian Liu
New York City Police Department, NY
EOW: Saturday, December 20, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago - Detroit Branch Police, Michigan
K9 Remi
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago - Detroit Branch Police, MI
EOW: Monday, January 13, 2014
Cause of Death: Automobile accident
Davie County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
K9 Gorky
Davie County Sheriff's Office, NC
EOW: Thursday, January 23, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Petersburg Police Department, Virginia
K9 Jager
Petersburg Police Department, VA
EOW: Monday, January 27, 2014
Cause of Death: Fall
Pittsburgh Police Department, Pennsylvania
K9 Rocco
Pittsburgh Police Department, PA
EOW: Thursday, January 30, 2014
Cause of Death: Stabbed
United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service Law Enforcement and Investigations, U.S. Government
K9 Maros
United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service Law Enforcement and Investigations, US
EOW: Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Portland Police Bureau, Oregon
K9 Mick
Portland Police Bureau, OR
EOW: Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Worcester County Sheriff's Office, Maryland
K9 Ike
Worcester County Sheriff's Office, MD
EOW: Saturday, May 3, 2014
Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle
Walker County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
K9 Tanja
Walker County Sheriff's Office, GA
EOW: Friday, June 13, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Alabama Department of Corrections, Alabama
K9 Tracker
Alabama Department of Corrections, AL
EOW: Monday, July 7, 2014
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Mills Police Department, Wyoming
K9 Nyx
Mills Police Department, WY
EOW: Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Cause of Death: Heat exhaustion
Orange Police Department, Connecticut
K9 Major
Orange Police Department, CT
EOW: Saturday, July 19, 2014
Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle
Duplin County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
K9 Kela
Duplin County Sheriff's Office, NC
EOW: Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Cause of Death: Heat exhaustion
Oklahoma City Police Department, Oklahoma
K9 Kye
Oklahoma City Police Department, OK
EOW: Monday, August 25, 2014
Cause of Death: Stabbed
East St. Louis Police Department, Illinois
K9 Simmie
East St. Louis Police Department, IL
EOW: Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Cause of Death: Heat exhaustion
Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado
K9 Petra
Colorado Springs Police Department, CO
EOW: Monday, September 8, 2014
Cause of Death: Fall
Kansas City Police Department, Missouri
K9 Brunie
Kansas City Police Department, MO
EOW: Sunday, September 28, 2014
Cause of Death: Duty related illness

K9 Beny
Montville Police Department, OH
EOW: Sunday, September 28, 2014
Cause of Death: Heat exhaustion
St. Johns County Sheriff's Office, Florida
K9 Baron
St. Johns County Sheriff's Office, FL
EOW: Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Cause of Death: Drowned
Iowa Motor Vehicle Enforcement, Iowa
K9 Sara
Iowa Motor Vehicle Enforcement, IA
EOW: Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle
Wyoming Highway Patrol, Wyoming
K9 Robbie
Wyoming Highway Patrol, WY
EOW: Monday, October 20, 2014
Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle