Wednesday, November 2, 2022


Who supports the criminality in our inner cities?

Who supports the criminality in our inner cities?
(freeing felons) & our porus borders. 3 million illegals & counting... War on police… Inflation... Human & Sex trade Destroyed Energy independence... Open borders 

unvettted criminals & thousands killed by fentanyl.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

There are going to be legal consequences


It is Associated With a Desire to Establish a Social Credit System

The Pandemic Is Associated With a Desire to Establish a Social Credit System


Die less than 14 days after that shot that's called...


If you didn't get to the hospital and you die less than 14 days after that shot that's called a COVID death and not a shot death

the Shots Kill People

Pfizer Admitting That The Shots Kill People


These shots have DONE DAMAGE

 These shots have destroyed the innate immune system

IVERMECTIN Besides being an effective treatment for COVID-19

Besides being an effective treatment for COVID-19 Dr. Tess Lawrie says it can help with long-term symptoms and vaccine injuries

CDC is hiding the risk/benefit factor



  • The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals. Ivermectin is approved for human use to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms and head lice and skin conditions like rosacea.


Cardiologists encouraging V-compliance despite myocardial damage

Cardiologists encouraging V-compliance despite myocardial damage and the use of inpatient R-vir despite WHO recommendation against and overt kidney/liver damage


Dr. Cole These shots do not prevent acquisition of the disease


Dr. Cole These shots do not prevent acquisition of the disease transmission of disease illness or disease death

pure propaganda

synthetic pseudouridine-containing RNAs last for 60 days or longer continuing to make spike The levels of spike that the shots are making is higher than a COVID infection

synthetic pseudouridine-containing RNAs last for 60 days or longer continuing to make spike The levels of spike that the shots are making is higher than a COVID infection


there has been massive fraud in suppressing the evidence of toxicity or basically claiming these things are safe

there has been massive fraud in suppressing the evidence of toxicity or basically claiming these things are safe


This liquid kills a lot of people right away ANTIBODY DEPENDENT ENHANCEMENT (Catastrophic Immune Response)

This liquid kills a lot of people right away. Causes miscarriages causes long-term chronic diseases such as cancer and auto-immune diseases antibody dependent enhancement


Australian Health Official now admits the vaccinated are now dying from Myocarditis

Australian Health Official now admits the vaccinated are now dying from Myocarditis

we have data from all over the world demonstrating that the shots and multiple shots is actually increasing the risk

we have data from all over the world demonstrating that the shots and multiple shots is actually increasing the risk of Omicron-mediated disease and potentially death


Saturday, January 29, 2022


18 de julio de 1936. Salamanca, Castilla y León (centro a España). El ejército español declara el estado de guerra en la ciudad, con la esperanza de extenderlo al resto de España y mejorar la inestable situación del país tras la proclamación de la Segunda República hace cinco años. 

Un envejecido Miguel de Unamuno, no sólo escritor y docente académico sino uno de los intelectuales más reconocidos de España, decepcionado con la República que públicamente ayudó a crear, apoya la nueva revuelta con la esperanza de limpiar el país de los elementos indeseables de la desesperación. de sus allegados el maestro Salvador y el cura Atilano, creando demasiados problemas en su casa donde vive Miguel con sus hijas María y Felisa, su criada Aurelia y su nieto Miguelín. Al mismo tiempo que el alcalde de Salamanca Casto Prieto es detenido sin causa aparente y su mujer Ana pide ayuda a Miguel de Unamuno, el Estado Mayor Conjunto se reúne para decidir la estrategia para tomar el poder, donde los despiadados tuertos, mancos y El general cojo Astray-Millán, mano derecha del general Franco, propone elegir al propio Franco como líder a pesar de la oposición del general Cabanellas, que teme que Franco mate a la República que ama para cambiarla por una dictadura. 

Cuando Atilano es extrañado repentinamente, su esposa Enriqueta informa a Miguel de Unamuno sobre su arresto mientras Salvador intenta alertarlo sobre las verdaderas intenciones de la revolución militar: convertir a España en un estado fascista.

Reacio a creerlo, cuando más tarde Salvador es arrestado frente a él, un avergonzado y triste Miguel de Unamuno cuestionándose a sí mismo y su postura sobre la revolución pide entrevistarse con Franco, nombrado Jefe del Estado Mayor del Ejército español con plenos poderes políticos y militares tras la batalla del Alcázar de Toledo, por hacer un encargo especial, siendo testigo de primera mano de los hechos que cambiarán España para siempre.